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Quick note: The link to the changelog from seems to hit a 404. Should it point to instead?
Hi! I’m Looking for a bit of advice.
I’m writing a tiny markdown editor with running on the server. I want to preview the HTML pandoc generated from the markdown in the browser, next to a textarea with markdown in it.
What’s the recommended way to do this from Electric?
At first, thought maybe (dom/div (dom/innerHTML "<p>raw html here</p>"))
, as with dom/text
. But I couldn’t find anything, so perhaps i have to (set! (.-innerHTML el) "<p>raw html</p>")
. Attaching a screenshot of where I’m at right now.
I got a preview working with this:
(let [text-html (e/server (-> text pandoc/from-markdown pandoc/to-html))]
(-> js/document
(.getElementById "vwnm4o")
(set! text-html)))
(dom/div (dom/props {:id "vwnm4o"}))
(dom/pre (dom/text (e/server text-html)))
(dom/p (dom/text
"Q: how do I create a dom node with innerHTML equal to html-text?"
" Please advise!"))
(dom/p (dom/text "I'd like to have a preview of HTML I just generated here.")))))
Still very much curious about whether this is a good idea!Here’s a (somewhat modified) live version: (hoping to show some clojure-curious colleagues the nicities of clojure and electric)
set! on innerHTML is idiomatic
How can I keep track of that an electric value has changed within the past x seconds? In pseudo code:
(let [value (from-somewhere)
recently-changed? (What-to-put-here? seconds value)]
For sure I could keep track of the state manually with an atom. However is there a reactive solution?
I think debounce is part of the solution, but I am somewhat stuck:
What I need is a flow that:
• initial returns false
• a debounced subflow that returns true if value changes and after x seconds delay returns false. the atom solution isn’t “bad”, Electric is currently missing direct support for cycles which (1) can be directly emulated with an atom and (2) the atom implementation is a perfectly good low level implementation for a cycle operator. we do publish e/with-cycle which is an experimental macro over this pattern
perhaps we want to sample the current time every time the value changes (you can use something like (defn sample-system-time-ms [_] System/getTime)), whatever the api is
There is no cycle. I finally came up with a working reactive solultion:
(defn changed-recently [flow t]
(let [but-first (m/eduction (comp (drop 1) (map (constantly true))) flow)]
(m/reductions {}
(m/ap (let [x (m/?< but-first)]
(try (m/? (m/sleep t false))
(catch Cancelled _ (m/amb)))))))))
(new (changed-recently (e/fn [] some-value) 1000))
I am a bit concerned about using gather, which has been mean gather was removed from missionary? i think leo just didn’t want dozens of utility primitives in missionary, you can PR it to electric missionary contrib ns, which will be standalone someday and Leo reviewed
As to the original q I envision a pure function that takes (current value, current time, previous value, previous time) where the previous state is fed back into the function via recursion, which is a cycle. Using actual electric recursion will stackoverflow iiuc (we have work to do here) so accomplishing the feedback with an atom instead is appropriate
e/with-cycle is an experimental macro over this pattern
your discrete time solution seems fine based on a quick review on mobile
Hi, does anyone try to use frontend db like (datascript) with electric. I try to do that and I find difficulty to iterate the frontend data reactively since I can’t use the (e/for).