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Under what conditions does the websocket connection timeout? I tried giving each websocket session its own atom like this

;; Each websocket session gets its own atom. State not shared between browser tabs
(e/def !unshared-server-state #?(:clj (atom {})
                                 :cljs nil))
I noticed that if I leave my computer for 30 min and come back then the server atom gets reset to its initial (empty) value. Is this intended behaviour? Basically what I want is for each user to get their own server state (i.e. not multiplayer) but I don't want them to lose that state if they leave their computer and come back after lunch break. What's the best way to do that? This is for a very simple back office app with no database and no authentication. Right now as a workaround I'm storing all state on the client but I'd like to understand how I could do it with state on the server. Maybe I should be doing something like using a shared server atom and giving every user their own key inside it based on a random cookie I assign them?

Dustin Getz13:04:33

Let me split apart the questions: 1. how to do per-user state in electric? 2. how to make per-user state durable? 3. under what conditions is the connection lost?

Dustin Getz13:04:42

(1) see the atom in the!SystemProperties L17. In Electric, all local state is tied to the lifecycle of the ws connection (and isolated to that connection) with the exception of global state

Dustin Getz13:04:45

(3) (a) connection is terminated gracefully when browser tab is closed; (b) connection is lost after 60 seconds without heartbeat (i.e. lost internet service, or went to another tab*), (c) connection is lost on server restart (e.g. deploy) *If you blur the tab, everything pauses (because we schedule all work with requestAnimationFrame) including consumption of the websocket (everything is backpressured). Connection is re-established when (a) the tab is focused again, (b) the auto-retry logic sucessfully reconnects. On reconnection, today the client reboots, losing local state. (We know how to implement resync on reconnect without client reboot, it's on the roadmap)

Dustin Getz13:04:12

(2) you'll need to write code for this, e.g. store it in redis, localstorage, cookie etc


that makes sense, thanks for explaining


system properties tutorial for other people reading this (link earlier went to local host for me)!SystemProperties

👀 1
Dustin Getz13:04:42

thanks, fixed link


Another question: My app has a slow operation (hitting some apis) that takes ~5 seconds when the user hits the "submit" button. What's the best way to show a spinner in the waiting period? I notice that ui/button pretty clever in that it automatically applies disabled and aria-busy="true" to the button during waiting, but is there also something I could do to conditionally display a dom element during that waiting period?

Dustin Getz13:04:50

the next tutorial shows how to do control load states, i'll try to publish it today


Awesome, thanks! I also just noticed on-pending in another demo Is one way preferred over the other?

Dustin Getz13:04:44

yeah, on-pending is just a macro over the try/catch Pending pattern