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Dustin Getz14:08:43

Error reporting and async stack traces have landed in master. This fixes the brutal "undefined var" error that crashes the page without saying which var is undefined. All crashes / "white page" issues should now come with a Photon virtual stack trace that reconstructs client/server control flow transfer that matches the userland program forms. This is a first pass, we're still actively working on it. If you have any issue at all that Photon is either reporting an unhelpful error, not reporting any error at all, etc – please screenshot and post here

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Dustin Getz14:08:05

I am so proud of this feature set – props to Geoffrey for implementing async traces in a week, which is amazing, and props to Leo for his exquisite compiler implementation that made this so seamless

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word up. I am having a ball with ClojureDart, which debuted in excellent form, but with some hard to trace errors, and those just wreck the d/x. congrats!

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