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@micha for your upcoming app, is it going to be a mobile web app ? if yes, what do you plan to use to make it look app-like
Yes mobile and desktop, I wasn’t planning to do anything special really. I think it’s ok if it looks like a web app as long as it’s functional
@jouerose if you see anything that looks solid for building mobile apps I’d be interested to see
@jouerose last time i made one, a few years back, i hacked together a boot task that shelled out to cordova.
from the build.boot:
(deftask cordova
[p platform OPT str "target operating system"
r run bool "run after building"]
(comp (target :dir ["bld/www"])
(with-pre-wrap fileset
(binding [*sh-dir* "bld"]
(dosh "cordova" "requirements")
(dosh "cordova" (if run "run" "build") platform))
(deftask develop
[o optimizations OPT kw "Optimizations to pass the cljs compiler."
p platform OPT str "Platform to use during development"]
(let [opt (or optimizations :none)
run (if (and platform (not= platform "browser")) #(cordova :platform platform :run true) serve)]
(comp (watch) (speak) (hoplon) (reload) (cljs :optimizations opt) (run))))
(deftask build
[p platform OPT str "target operating system"]
(comp (speak) (hoplon) (cljs :optimizations :whitespace) (cordova :platform platform)))