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@flyboarder well to get a useful "dragleave" event using the dnd api you need to count dragenter/dragleave events because they trigger on some nested elements too
so i end up with something like
:dragenter (fn [e]
( e)
(swap! drag-enters update (-> e .-originalEvent .-target) inc))
:dragleave (fn [e]
( e)
; use a RAF to ensure leave is always called after enter but
; avoid the UI jank that a regular timeout would incur
(.requestAnimationFrame js/window
#(swap! drag-enters update (-> e .-originalEvent .-target) dec)))
which really seems like something i should bundle up for re-use
so i was assuming that i'd need to namespace the :dragenter
and :dragleave
attributes and put them in a fn that applies them to a passed element - namespacing would be to ensure that the element can have other things bound to the same events
although, i haven't tested it yet, it might already work as event handling and attributes are different things
@thedavidmeister so for that I would just namespace it