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@alandipert - hacking on this holpon rogue-like (calling it “Conjure”)
I’m starting to get the feeling that I will need to take my world state and drop it down to plain JS, and have my rendering system sync that up with a javelin cell for view state
things like the movement system require lots of iterations to find the entities at the position it is moving to and determine if they are passable, etc.
similar for combat system
I could index entities by position… but then I have to coordinate the update of two pieces of state
does dosync
work on cells?
Yeah, I just read that on the Javelin site and saw it in a talk video:
up to this point, I have been treating my world state as one big cell, with the view using cell= formulas for each “block” on the 2d svg screen
I then have a main loop that responds to keypress. Then a chain of systems update the world state.
So (swap! world #(process-command (input/do-input % (.-key event)))
does all the work
and process command is doing things like moving the player, etc.
I see, perhaps another way to get at two parts of the world state (in a single cell) is via Lenses?
so I don’t think I need dosync. My main concern is that each subsystem (movement, combat, magic, etc) will have to iterate over lots of entities
so I was pondering making the world state mutable JS arrays & objects, and having a system that syncs that to the view state in one swap! call
this is fortunately turn-based, so rendering can happen last
looking at lenses
oh, can you pass JS arrays straight to (map) and others that take seqs?
I’m not totally sure if this helps you, but this is what I was referring to (I think, it’s been a while):
Sorry, I’m not totally clear on what you really need, and don’t want to send you on a wild goose chase.
@U0564EGNY is the problem just that you want control over when/how calculations are run?
I have control, its just that there are a lot of entities to iterate through, and some systems will need to iterate through them multiple times
per turn
So here is a bit of what my world structure looks like, if you can imagine…
An entity is just an ID, so lets say the player is entity 0
world has an :etoc
key that is a vector of maps. Each map is a mapping of component name to component data for the entity at that index. Example:
(get-in world [:etoc 0 :position]) => {:x 1 :y 2}
things that move have a :velocity component
so to do movement, you have to find all things with :velocity component and in order to move them, you then have to iterate over everything with a :position component to avoid collisions
else you would walk right through a wall
now, if you have N monsters and a map that is 198 x 66, you have a lot to iterate through
now, I also store :ctoe
in world, which is a mapping of component name to a set of entity ids
so that helps
but still, for collision detection, it’s a lot of unnecessary iteration
so I could store a :positions
mapping in the world and keep it in sync. Otherwise I will be iterating over pretty much every entity in the dungeon when there are at most 8 I really need to look at
N x 198 x 66 scares me
but, it’s how a lot of games are designed
lots of looping
so the trade-off is more memory with a hash-map index
or drop to JS
what if you added the entity id, and velocity to the position map. (making it a “state” map) for an entity
Then you could filter a set or vector of entities by presence of attributes (such as velocity), and it would take a single pass
actually, the position map would actually be a 2D vector (rows and colums)
so you would index into by (x, y) coordinates.
and the values would be a set of entity IDs
because some entities stack
for example: floor <- scroll <- monster
all can occupy the same spot on the grid
actually, might use a vector of entity IDs to keep them in the right stacking order
although, I would probably prefer putting entity objects in a set or vector and filtering them, or directly looking them up via a map
I wonder if I am going to get into other situations like this (wanting to optimize) when I get into other systems like ranged combat
there you will want to probably start with all entities that have the :health
(get-in world [:ctoe :health]) => #{0 4 5 12}
but then you have to do line of sight checks
the position optimization is probably a good trade-off though
because rendering requires almost every entity
also, so many things besides rendering require knowledge of position - combat, range combat, line of sight, monster AI
I should also state that this is not graphically complex
@U0564EGNY is this logic something that could be handled with datascript queries?
not that it magically improves the speed of a loop, but it has some things like internal indexes that could help
sounds like a good idea to have a bit of a "cache" of entities that are actually close enough to matter
yeah, would make for less code, certainly
but I’d be worried about performance
the very first thing you could do would be run filter
over your entities, with a distance calculation function
so it's one big, but relatively fast, iteration up front each turn, but everything else is quick
I guess there are lots of ways to slice this. I’ve been taking my inspiration from other rogue-likes and comonent-entity-systems in general from game design
the ones in C actually use a bitmask array of length = max_entities
the bitmask tells you what components the entity has
i don't know about performance
but datascript seems like a pretty good fit for keeping track of attributes of game entities
then for each component you have an array (also max_entities), and the data for each entity at the appropriate index
I might play with it a bit
it's a datomic clone in cljs
yeah, that much I get
if you use namespaced attributes like :position/x
and :monster/hp
i imagine it should be relatively easy to keep track of what's what
so those component arrays end up being sparse, but array iteration in C is so fast
hmm, I didn’t think to use the namespace of the keyword as the component indicator
well then it fits with spec
well, ant that is how datomic treats things: entity-attribute-value
i just checked, datascript implements 3 of the datomic indexes
EAVT, AEVT and AVET indexes
so you don't get VAET
but i think you want AVET anyway
datomic at least says "The AVET index also supports the indexRange API, which returns all attribute values in a particular range."
yeah, give me all things that have a position component, which I could use either :position/x or y for
you could just create ranges for x and y, basically a "bounding box"
I wonder if transact! works on javelin cells
it does
just need to add a little bit of meta data to the cell
well, even more than just "give me everything with a position"
you could say "give me everything with a position within this area"
thanks, I’m going to play with this
… and just when I had basic movement working!
hah, i spend way more time reworking than working
well, half the purpose of this was to learn.
@U0D4G0Q4U ok, so how do you create a javelin formula cell that queries the db cell?
@U0564EGNY you don't, you query db values, not cells
here's a random example
(defn entity->list-title
(let [list-id (-> e :item/list-id :db/id)
db (d/entity-db e)]
(when list-id
(d/q '[ :find [?t]
:in $ ?id
:where [?e :item/list-id ?id]
[?e :item/list-title ?t]]
ah soz, doesn't actually have a formula cell in that one 😛
(let [ids-titles (j/cell=
(into (sorted-set)
'[:find ?lid ?t
:where [?e :item/list-id ?lid]
[?e :item/list-title ?t]]
there you go
(def test-var (cell= (into [] (d/datoms (d/db dw) :avet :position/y 3))))
dw is my conn cell
you don't need the d/db
formula cells deref other cells, and dw
is a cell
(d/datoms dw :avet :position/y e)
should be fine
#object[Error Error: Assert failed: (db/db? db)]
I got a regular query to work
dw should be a db already because of the formula cell wrapping it
(def test-var (cell= (into [] (d/datoms dw :avet :position/y 3))))
works for me...
(h/if-tpl (j/cell= (d/datoms conn :eavt))
(el.project-list.dom/project-list :conn conn)
(h/div :class "welcome"
(h/span :class "empty-text"
"You don't have any projects yet! "
:click #(project.wire/+! conn)
"Create a new project")
" to get started."))))))
this is how i build my conn cells
(defn conn-cell
"Builds a fresh conn cell wrapping an empty db"
(conn-cell {}))
{:pre [(map? schema)]
:post [(d/conn? %) (j/cell? %) (= {} (-> % meta :listeners deref))]}
(conn-cell-from-db (d/empty-db schema))))
do you have a schema that supports the :avet
(def dw (conn-cell {:position/x {:db/index true}
:position/y {:db/index true}}))
also get the error with :eavt
ok cool, so you have db/index set
what if you just prn dw
what does (d/conn? dw)
and (d/db? <@U04VCMKQN>)
(def test-var (j/cell= (d/q '[:find ?e :where [?e :position/x _]] dw)))
both true
some sort of bug?
#object [javelin.core.Cell <#C07V8N22C|datascript>/DB {:schema #:position{:x #:db{:index true}, :y #:db{:index true}}, :datoms [[1 :appearance/symbol "@" 536870913] [1 :health/current 75 536870913] [1 :health/max 100 536870913] [1 :player/name "Frodo" 536870913] [1 :position/x 1 536870913] [1 :position/y 2 536870913] [1 :position/z 100 536870913] [1 :velocity/x 0 536870913] [1 :velocity/y 0 536870913] [2 :appearance/symbol "." 536870913] [2 :position/x 1 536870913] [2 :position/y 3 536870913] [2 :position/z 0 536870913]]}]
(into [] (d/datoms <@U04VCMKQN> :avet :position/x 1))
worksso something with the way d/datoms and cell= are interacting
what versions of datascript, javelin and cljs are you using?
i don't understand how (d/db? <@U04VCMKQN>)
could be true, but then (j/cell= (d/db? dw))
would be false
that might be out of my ability to debug remotely >.<
let me just try that much
ok, that works
but that's all d/datoms
is doing internally
ok, it’s working now
must have had things in a funky state
also, if you just want positions, you can look at making a filtered db and running your queries against that
I think > 90% of entities will have position
So, the one main concern I have with using datascript for this is that, previously, my whole turn-loop was one big atomic cell swap operation. And that works really well because it is turn-based. With datascript, I don’t see how I could avoid doing lots of little transactions within a single turn, causing lots of cascading “change events” to dependent cells
I can’t simply queue up transactions for the end of turn. Consider movement. What if 2 entities want to move into the same space?
I suppose I could sort them by priority and use a db function to avoid collisions, but then we’re getting rather complicated
perhaps I could just use the datalog parts of datascript to query my own custom state cell (the one I have now)
…or… I could copy the db at the start of the turn and swap it after (sort of like react with the vdom)
A lot of what you’re describing sounds like “game logic.” In which case perhaps you don’t want it in Datascript queries? Since it sounds like you’re already building that into a library of Javelin cells. Just a thought.
yeah, Datascript is very similar to what I want in terms of how data is represented (entity/attr/val)
but there’s some other things that make it not quite a great fit
@U0564EGNY you can stop the propagation
propagation only happens when vals change
so put an "end of turn" cell in between your db and the downstream calculations
one sec, i'll put together an example
(defn turn-cell
"Returns a lens that always updates to a new random-uuid when swapped/reset"
(let [t (j/cell (random-uuid))]
(j/cell= t #(swap! t random-uuid))))
(defn end-of-turn-cell
"Given a cell and a turn cell, returns a cell that syncs with the given cell only when the turn updates"
[c turn]
{:pre [(j/cell? c) (j/cell? turn)]}
(j/with-let [c' (j/cell nil)]
(h/do-watch turn #(reset! c' @c))))
; Example usage
(let [conn (conn-cell)
turn (turn-cell)
; the lens means when we update turn to anything it just result in a random-uuid anyway.
end-turn! #(reset! turn true)
turn-conn (end-of-turn-cell conn turn)]
(transact! conn [{:monster/id "turtle" :position/x 1 :position/y 5}]) ; conn propagates
(transact! conn [{:monster/id "fish" :position/x 3 :position/y 10 :position/z -1}]) ; conn propagates
(end-turn!)) ; turn-conn propagates
hmmm….still planning to test 3 methods: custom world cell, datascript, and pure js world object
in the latter case, I would update a cell at the end of each turn from the js object
@U0564EGNY this technique isn't specific to datascript
the point is that your concept of a "turn" is now explicit in data somewhere - it has a uuid
yeah, but also I’m not sure I want every tile being a formula cell either
so you can watch and respond to that directly
I’m thinking I keep a 2D vector of input cells and only update the ones that need to change
why does every cell have to be a formula cell?
every tile
soz, yes tiles
why does moving the "turn" into a uuid have anything to do with that?
at the end of turn the view must be updated
my point was just that if you try to co-ordinate "end of turn" with callbacks or queues or whatever else
it becomes a structural thing
but if "current turn" is data, then sure, you can build callbacks and whatever on top of that
yeah, I think a queue of which tiles to update might be most efficient
but you have an explicit thing that can be referenced, rather than an implicit emergent behaviour that needs to be managed
efficient to what?
execute? think about? write? refactor later?
also, i don't see how having a queue is mutually exclusive to tracking the current turn?
wouldn't you just put a flush-queue!
function on a do-watch
for the current turn?
and also, if you have a queue anyway, why can't the queue be a vector to transact into datascript in bulk?
@U0564EGNY soz, it's a little tricky because i can't see your code >.<
i'm asking like a million questions 😛
yeah, I’ll put it up on github at some point
but right now I’m throwing lots of darts
yeah, i know that feeling 🙂
my preliminary tests (no datascript yet) indicate low-level js performance is about 100x faster than cljs for creating world state, and about 20x faster searching for entities by position.
I’ll post my code to github this weekend and we can tear it apart
I need to comment it a bit so intent is clear
@U0564EGNY i'm not surprised really, lower level tools are often faster
@U0564EGNY the question is always "fast enough?" not "fastest?"
for a turn based game, i'd imagine (without knowing much of the details) that you could get away with a few hundred ms, or even a few seconds of "thinking" per turn
which is a lot of wiggle room
@micha might pick your brain about this on Thursday
I’d guess that’s exactly what cells were made for 🙂 you could have the position index happen automatically
continuing this conversation in thread ^