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i suppose this is the problem with "alpha" code
breaking changes are supposed to be considered normal
im on alpha17 since it came out and im just carrying my config over to other repos as needed but since i mostly work on the same repo, i haven't encountered this issue often enough to feel its pain
i've gotten in the habit of setting aside a ticket just to handle hoplon updates
if you're not sure whether something is a cell or not, say it's the argument to a fn
is @(cell= foo)
idiomatic to get the value?
@onetom probably a changelog file? Experienced people suffer less with this, beginners way more.
If you think it might be a cell, presumably you want to react to it. I have generally done (let [v* (cell= v)] …)
If you really need the value and don’t want to treat it as a cell, I might define a value-of
or maybe-deref
that leverages javelin.core/cell?
@candera yeah usually that all works, it can get a bit confusing what is a cell and what is a value sometimes
around the edges
Agreed - I find the shift similar to the one I made (am still making, perhaps) when moving from OO to functional.
what would a typed language do? Probably separate values and cells into different arguments or wrap all values into something cell-like automatically
On a completely separate note, I had an idea that’s probably sort of stupid. I’m imagining a (with-styles [:li :span {:background-color “white”}] content)
operator. with-styles
would wrap content
with an element with a unique ID. Then it would modify the <head>
of the document to contain a <style>
element that has the styles in its first arg, but scoped to be descendants of that ID.
I feel like that would give me nice, local declaration of styles and would get rid of the need to express certain things on every element that matches. Plus, it opens up the ability to use things like nth-child
and before
@candera i played around with something like that, i figured that dynamically modifying head styles like that might be a perf hit
but i didn't get any numbers
although, if you did a style element per element rather than one big one that might be OK
@dm3 i'm probably way off here because i'll admit i don't totally grok them yet, but is that what monads are for?
@candera i saw a macro someone did for garden for this somewhere, hang on...
unrelated to hoplon but related to the id generation
@thedavidmeister I would want it to be cell-aware so the styles could react to changes. But cool - I will look at that.
@candera yup totally, this is my snippet for that
(defmethod hoplon.core/do! :garden
[el _ v]
; Replace all the inline styles on an element with css generated by Garden.
; Obviously does not play nice with other methods of setting inline styles.
(let [vs (if (sequential? v) v [v])
css (garden.compiler/compile-style vs)]
(.setAttribute el "style" css)))
@dm3 well i thought that part of monads was to make dealing with values inside things easier 😛
@candera well it puts inline styles on things
but you could tweak it pretty easy to make the string generated by garden.compiler/compile-styles
dump into a style tag instead of a style attribute
interesting thread on integrating CSS:!topic/clojurescript/sc-0hukwfpw
And I like the idea of using a separate attribute for garden rather than overloading :css or detecting if something is a string or some such.
soooo, this might be controversial, but i don't find myself having issues with css selectors generally
Right, I run into it rarely. But e.g. wanting to make every other row of a table a color. It’s also often more convenient programatically than setting the style on stuff.
the problems i usually have are around organisation
I retract the “just functions” comment - not sure I absorbed what he’s doing correctly.
like, "the css for this thing is nested deep in that file over there somewhere"
Yes - that’s the motivation for wanting with-styles - so that the CSS is with the thing its styling.
i've just made a styles.cljc file that i put next to my dom.cljs file in my component's folders
(def ^:screen title
[(s/attr= :data-key ":title")
{:position "relative"
:margin-bottom styles.spacing/mini-pad}])
(def ^:screen current-item
[(s/attr= :data-current :item)
(def ^:screen item
and something vacuums up all the things with ^:screen and spits it into the final css file
But if you had local styles you could put that around the constructor for the elements you’re styling.
yes you could definitely do that
i have a mix of inline :garden
attributes and things like the above
and even though i'm pretty casual about what goes where, it's already proven to be way easier to find stuff than having a giant SASS project running in parallel to everything else
if you get the with-garden
or with-styles
thing working, ping me
i'm definitely interested 🙂
that shadow.markdown
thing generates a React component, the CSS and the class name (based on ns + defstyled
puts the CSS into a single style container and you then use the defstyled
name as a React component constructor
also, wouldn't you want the bulk of your css to be in a file that can be cached?
and only dynamically mess with things that are too specific to an element to go in a master file?
yeah cool
so you could have a defstyledelem
with similar syntax. That would produce an elem
which would then be used to wrap other elems and make them stylish
i also like that my solution is ~60 LOC including boot compiling task, namespace scanner and hoplon/garden integration
and honestly, my namespace scanning is terrible because i didn't realise i could just copy the deftest implementation until later
so i have about 20 LOC reimplementing "scan namespaces in this directory" when something already exists for that 😛
surely if you had the with-styles
working it would be pretty easy to make that defstyledelem
on top of it
i think it would be nice to have both
support wrapping anonymous elements in styles 🙂
soooo, i'm going to go ahead and assume that implementing deref for primitives like strings and numbers is A Bad Idea
i don't know why, i just feel like if it was a good idea it would already be setup that way
mmm, i think it is just a confusing thing
i have similar problems deciding where to put conn and db in my functions when working with datascript
On that one, I generally have a layer that deals with connections, and another layer that only deals with db.
reading vs writing?
what do you mean "getting the db"?
what would that look like if you had an element that renders children based on a query, and those children need the conn to transact against (like, user input going into the db)
you'd have to pass the conn into the parent element, which can query on it and forward the conn to its children, right?
i feel like @dm3 nailed describing the problem, which is that i want a db (value) right up until a child of the element wants to transact to respond to user input and i need a conn (a cell in my case)
so i end up defensively celling everything "just in case"
just because that works for cells and values, not because i specifically need one or the other
hi. I’m using hoplon with a luminus setup (leiningen, etc). Everything works fine, but I’m trying to use an add on library for semantic-ui [degree/semui-hl]. I’ve not been able to import the its namespaces. In looking at the .jar it appears to contain .hl files. I’m new to the boot/hoplon ecosystem, but I was under the impression that .hl files were more of a build time artifact that should get compiled in to .cljs files, and presumably distributed that way in a library?
@flyboarder ^^ i think this is yours?
@eoliphant .hl files should be compiled In Your application not in the libraries
@thedavidmeister I’m not sure I have the situation totally pictured, but generally when decomposing problems like this, I find that going from "A calls B calls C" to “A calls B and then calls C” is helpful. Sorry - sort of distracted right now.
np, i gotta go to bed anyway >.<
@eoliphant make sure you add the hoplon task to your build
but i don't think i can have "A sequentially calls the entire DOM hierarchy that might want to use a conn" 😕
think i need to mull on this a bit more
ah, gotcha @flyboarder thanks, will look at that
@alandipert @jjttjj @mynomoto @laforge49 @flyboarder ':require [hoplon.jquery]' Worked for me too. I am using .hl and assumed that was included. That change knocked me out for a few days.
@alandipert Thanks for the printing functions tho
What is good practice on when to include jquery?
.. and [cljsjs.jquery]?
@chromalchemy make sure you are using the correct version of boot-hoplon
I.e. Remove the dependency and use the built-in version in alpha17
Ok. I had it that way.
So when do you need to require jquery? When using % in inline function in attribute?
@chromalchemy You should only need it if you are using cljs files instead of hl files
But basically if you use attributes that you don't want to directly pass to the HTML output you need an attribute provider
Things like event attributes
Ok thanks. Somethings up. I needed it and im using .hl. Maybe a UI thing?
using '(elem (input))'
@jumblerg Do you have a simple example of using a '(line)' element. Getting a value out of it. Im fuzzy on what attr keywords to use. Maybe a (pick) too? Thx!
@chromalchemy there are examples of both in the demo app in the ui repo here:
unfortunately I think the ui form stuff is not finished or in a very usable state right now
i mean, you can use the elems like line/pick etc but i mean that I don't think the built in form state management stuff is ready
@jjttjj Ok, noted. What does :key :foo do?
a map will be passed to the function on the :submit key of the form that will look like {:foo "value of foo"}
I think there is presently some issue with the ui/write element though. I haven't been able to get forms to submit besides pressing the enter key while the cursor is in a form element. I haven't dug into this too deeply yet though
Thx. will try it out :)
@candera @thedavidmeister I like declaring styles with first class attrs in UI Elems. Makes me less shy of using events to create dynamism (compared to the walled-off css mentality). And the minimal syntax makes it fast to write/prototype styles. I am saving combo styles as named maps. But this approach currently lacks vendor prefixes and caching. But these are performance optimizations, and i want to orient my thinking to higher level workflows that point the way out of the tarpit of CSS,and it's (artificial) separation from control code. That being said, Garden helps bridge the gap. Thanks @thedavidmeister for the Do method. I also want a way to aggregate locally-defined classes (in the head/style tag i guess). Can this have reasonable performance for dynamic style rules?