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Something is seriously wrong. I'm trying to use prop-cell on the display property of an element.
(j/defc= consoleheader-element nil) (add-watch login/all-logged-in :re (fn [ ] (let [e (.getElementById js/document "consoleheader")] (j/prop-cell (.-display (.-style e)) consoleheader-element #(.log js/console "tweet")) (.log js/console (pr-str "ho " (.-display (.-style e)))) ) ))
@micha? @flyboarder? @alandipert? I think I'm dead in the water at this point. 😞
@laforge49: oh no!
No Turkey @flyboarder?
No I'm in Canada we did that in October
Do you have a link to the file?
Ok so prop-cell is going to poll the element for the property value
@laforge49: is all-logged-in a cell? You can just build a formula cell that merges that and the value from prop-cell when it's valid
all-logged-in is a cell in some lower-level code that doesn't know mutch about the applications like console.
Ok so you can create a variable from prop-cell and then check the value in a formula when the logged-in cell is true
If that makes sense
I can try creating a cell using the other form of prop-cell and add a watch to it to create that callback.
But right now I need a break. Sleepy after lunch. 😞 @flyboarder
Thanks @flyboarder --got it working.
And I think I can greatly simplify my design by just polling on the height of the object returned by calling getBoundingClientRect of the actual header rather than waiting for the appropriate sub-heading element to be visible. Polling (shudder) is very powerful. At lest, when not used in a server!
Yeah just be careful not to endlessly print to the console :P