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@flyboarder yeah, it’s weird though because the div being added/removed is not a parent but a sibling of an ancestor
Do you have a link to the element?
not sure what you mean by that @flyboarder ?
@thedavidmeister: like a link to the github file
oh right, nah i don’t
it’s in a private repo and has a lot going on anyway
it looks something like this though
(div (if-tpl c (div “foo”)) (div (input)))
and c
can change from true to false as the user types in input
(div (div (input)) (if-tpl c (div "foo")) )
does not lose focus
(div (div (if-tpl c (div "foo”))) (div (input)))
also seems ok
@thedavidmeister could have something to do with the hanging alternative clause
i have happened upon a braintickler re: settimeout ordering
maintaining your own queue only seems to work if you have a uniform timeout amount in ms
@micha ooh, worth trying out
@alandipert yeah.. unless you had a master loop and something like a crontab?
@thedavidmeister i think so, yeah
it wasn't very hard to see it go out of order
i can't believe i never knew this
something like this?
well, i dont personally want cron exactly
well no
but that kind of thing waves hands
but yeah, 'discrete event simulation' its called, i think
i need it to have a proper SLEEP
function in my basic interpreter
setTimeout(function() { console.log("one") }, 0)
setTimeout(function() { console.log("two") }, 0)
@micha yeah apparently
it’s like… a browser specific thing according to that post
and it has to finish putting the first callback somewhere before it can start evaluating the second setTimeout call
setTimeout(function() { console.log("one") }, 150)
// some other code
setTimeout(function() { console.log("two") }, 150)
hm yeah, i can't get it to break in ff or chrome
i think i do need to make my own master loop for my sleep code tho
since i can't let other timers pre-empt my thing
it's like the pool dye that turns blue with pee
i did a similar thing
(def n 1000000)
(def xs (vec (range n)))
(def ys (atom []))
(dotimes [i n]
(.setTimeout js/window #(swap! ys conj i) 0))
(.setInterval js/window
(fn [] (when (= (count @ys) n)
(println "equal?" (= xs @ys))))
sure, i don’t have any ie boxes on this computer
so i can’t check that
(def queue (atom cljs.core/PersistentQueue.EMPTY))
(defn handle []
(let [[not-before thunk] (peek @queue)
now (.getTime (js/Date.))]
(if (<= not-before now)
(do (thunk) (swap! queue pop))
(.setTimeout js/window handle (- not-before now)))))
(defn enqueue
[ms f & args]
(let [not-before (+ (.getTime (js/Date.)) ms)]
(swap! queue conj [not-before #(apply f args)])
(.setTimeout js/window handle ms)))
this solves the non-0 timer delay problem, by giving you your own queue
i guess it depends on the idea that all calls to enqueue will result in different values of now
, which i'm not sure is true
you mean the whole code is ident. to setTimeout?
i don't think so, since i have my own queue there
it only compares the time for the thing at the head of the queue
ie the queue is not ordered by ms
it's different because if you have 2 sequential setTimeout calls, and the first waits longer than the 2nd, the 2nd could go off first
that couldn't happen in my thing
let's say the first call timeout is 10x the 2nd one
or 100x, whatever
in my thing the waiting is sequential
probably only useful for sleep
(enqueue 3000 println "one")
(enqueue 0 println "two")
yeah but this is exactly what i want for sleep
in basic
this is the driver loop for instructions
not the browser's event loop
but hte program's
i'm solving a differnt problem
(.setTimeout js/window println "one" 3000)
(.setTimeout js/window println "two" 0)
that should print out two
, one
, right?
yeah, not what i want
if i have two sequential sleep commands, i don't want the code after the shorter one to go first... it needs to wait for both in order
hence my own queue
now my question is, in a JS program does new Date().getTime() ever return the same number twice
looks like... yes
yeah i did something like that
oh right, i could make my own function to get the ms
i kept track of a “highest seen"
and it always returns a unique one by running the thing long enough to get at least 2 diff ones
altho that slows my thing down
if now > highest seen return now else return highest + 1
but ideally though the second settimeout wouldn't be evaluated until the first one fired already
solving a different problem but maybe that helps?
actually, i don't think the time problem affects me
since i'm already ordering the events in a queue, i don't have to worry about order
ie the enqueue
call order governs what happens next. when exactly it happens might be a lil fuzzy but thats ok
i think if you implement settimeout atop settimeout tho, then you need it
yeah, not a thing to do
what’s ah
dude awesome
we need to polish off the s3 secret storage concept also
i guess we just need some conventions for ourselves
oh ok, so examples for deploying hoplon, or more general than that?
@thedavidmeister it's more general
the cleaned-up thing, calling it after
(def default-queue (atom cljs.core/PersistentQueue.EMPTY))
(defn- handle [q]
(let [[not-before thunk] (peek @q)
now (.getTime (js/Date.))]
(if (<= not-before now)
(do (thunk) (swap! q pop))
(.setTimeout js/window #(handle q) (- not-before now)))))
(defn after
"Enqueues a function for invocation after some number of ms. The function is
not invoked until after all previously enqueued functions have been invoked."
([ms f] (after default-queue ms f))
([q ms f]
(let [not-before (+ (.getTime (js/Date.)) ms)]
(swap! q conj [not-before f])
(.setTimeout js/window #(handle q) ms))))
@micha when-tpl
didn’t help with the focus thing, fyi
all good though, happy enough to just leave my errors sitting in a wrapper div for now
@micha: circling back to our previous conversation, are you on board for factoring out the cljs ns+
into ns
for cljs.hl
files (and a clojurescript pull request for :refer :all
i'm also thinking that, in the next version of castra, we should drop the jquery promise in exchange for an ecmascript 6 promise and a polyfill. something like
the advantage of this is that it provides compatibility when chaining together calls with the browser's native apis like websockets, getUserMedia, and webrtc.
@jumblerg: We can implement castra via a multimethod so we can factor out the "how" portions to providers
I have being thinking about providers is general and I believe it's a bad idea. It's hard enough getting one provider to do what we want and having libraries that work in a sane way. IMO another provider should be a fork. Flexibility is not always good and may be pretty bad.
@mynomoto: But I think being able to move between different providers is essential for diverse applications, see feathersjs for example
Support all possible things is not essential. Not make those impossible I think it's fair. Make abstractions that allow everything is bad practice imo.
I have used hoplon with rest and castra, used websockets with it and never needed the provider concept. The cell abstraction was rich enough for all use cases I had.
I'm not saying I'm against replacing implementations, I'm against having multiple ones.
it would be unfortunate if the libraries get fractured to the point where they only work with some permutation of providers
Agreed doesn't hoplon do two things really, give you meaningful abstractions and a default implementation for it
like with castra, i don't really understand what is holding back websockets or webrtc or whatever
I think it will be more productive to the Hoplon ecosystem to stick with jquery (not un-jquerying things), keep things simple, so hoplon should only be concerned with creating/updating the dom and adding event listeners. And have a sane release cycle following what Ember does, this would remove the problem of shipping compiled hoplon libraries and make boot-hoplon optional for users.