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help~ How to inject "vanilla html" in hlisp? for example: I want to directly show the HTML final result of a Rich Text Editor in a same page. or I have a snippet of html in my db, and I pulled it to the cljs, how to display it with hlisp?
you can use innerHTML if you find yourself needed to add a string of html to one of your elements, eg:
(set! (.-innerHTML (div)) “<p>some text</p>”)
@eric.shao: whoops, my mistake. ^^^
Maybe one day there is a Hoplon-Rich-Text-Editor that not (rich-text -> html) but (rich-text -> hoplon data structure) .
@eric.shao: hoplon is all about the front end UI, and castra is about communicating with the server. CMS and forum tools are largely about databases, so there’s not really an example for that.
but you could totally use hoplon as a neat front end for an existing CMS
these days CMS systems are selling themselves as “headless” so you can put your own UI on top of them outside whatever they ship with 🙂
@eric.shao: you don’t need castra, just use normal AJAX to hit any REST API your CMS system provides, but make sure to put the results in a javelin cell, that’s important
Thanks @thedavidmeister for your help.😀 hmmm… I think I don't really want a big amount of "hoplon-CMS" codes.I just want to implement a small project (for a Cafe) in the Hoplon's integrated way. I can put a RichTextEditor on the cljs.hl-page , and can present the RichTexteditor's result like "<b>Anyone like ... ?</b>" in the cljs.hl-page.💤
did the innerHTML not work?