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@dm3: is there a repository of cool defelem
s somewhere?
ok cool
is there a way to do :pre
and :post
conditions with defelem
If it doesn't support them it should imo
it didn’t seem to work for me
but i would love for a second opinion
i like that you can get the compiler to remove them if the tests end up affecting performance
Yeah, doesn't look like it does. You could do it with a wrapper macro, otherwise a patch would be welcome
I might take a stab at doing it in hoplon this morning
Always good to limber up for the day with a little macrology
if you manage to do it that would be awesome
but no rush
i wouldn’t even be looking at what i was going to use it for until the weekend
ok this is more involved than i thought 😅
definitely doable tho
geez, if you’re saying that, i have no chance
aha no it's not that bad
doing it in hoplon is a little tricky because it needs to still handle not having pre/post
but you could also do it in a wrapper macro that wraps defelem
which would be a little easier since you don't need to support the non-pre/post way
what do you mean handle not having it?
like, pre/post conditions should be optional
which means conditional behavior inside at least hoplon.core/elem macro
oh yeah, that’s true
but i’d want that too
maybe it could be called definitelyelem
hey, maybe this is a simple q, maybe not
but what does page
actually do?
also there's an issue of elem functions being called with nil
when items are removed from loop-tpl
, so the pre
conditions will fail (depending on what you check)
@thedavidmeister: boot-hoplon looks at it to figure what to call the html file, then turns the rest of it into an ns
the sausage is made in
hmmm, do you guys normally have different pages
or one page that changes depending on something in the URL or similar?
i just noticed that my main page is noticeably slower than my other page that i made
i think it’s todo with the way i’m doing caches
i’m wondering if it would be a good idea to do a cell=
on the URL fragment
and turn each thing that is currently a page into a defelem
and swap between them that way, and just put all of the caches on index.html
went another way with it - an inline conditions macro:
(defmacro with-conditions
[conditions & body]
{:pre [(map? conditions)]}
(if-not *assert*
`(do ~@body)
(let [ret (gensym "ret")]
`(do ~@(for [pre (:pre conditions)]
`(when-not ~pre
(throw (ex-info "Precondition failed" {:pre '~pre}))))
(let [~ret (do ~@body)]
~@(for [post (:post conditions)]
`(when-not (let [~'% ~ret] ~post)
(throw (ex-info "Postcondition failed" {:post '~post}))))
(defn foop [x y]
{:pre [(even? x)] :post [(odd? %)]}
(+ x y)))
that lil guy respects *assert*
and so elides the checks conditionally
bonus points for showing expected vs. actual
like what is
does in testing 😛
ok yay
i think navigation cell is going to work
(def current-hash (cell (.. js/window -location -hash)))
(cell= (set! (.. js/window -location -hash) current-hash))
(c/defelem nav-link
[attributes children]
(let [{go :data-go href :href} attributes]
:data-current-path (cell= (= go url/current-hash))
:target (if href "_blank")
:click #(reset! url/current-hash go)
(if (= url/current-hash "#style-guide")
how cool
can’t believe i only just thought of that lol
anyway, i g2g
hmmm, making the site sluggish for some reason
i suppose i’ll have to play around a bit more
@symbit: you could probably do something like export BOOT_EMIT_TARGET=no; boot do some tasks
but you might be better off setting that in your bashrc or .profile or whatever runs when you start a shell
the idea with the env var is that automatic target dir is deprecated. so you would always have boot_emit_target set to no. when you make your uberwar you do boot uberwar targt
On windows when running boot dev for a hoplon app I need 'NO' so that my web page will refresh correctly on source code changes.
When building the uberwar I call target. Are you saying target
ignore what the state of BOOT_EMIT_TARGET is?
right, boot_emit_target is an environment var that when set to no will not automatically generate a target dir. when you explicitly call the target task, it's not automatic because you're telling boot what to do
i know that there have been certain, um, idiosyncrasies with windows but i don't know if they affect your mileage for this case. maybe check with @laforge49
@raywillig No dice. I removed BOOT_EMIT_TARGET=yes from The uberwar task runs fine creating the target dir.. But when running boot dev, load the page and make a change, java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException while trying to update \indexDOT_html.js
I attempted to add (set-env! "BOOT_EMIT_TARGET" "no") at the top of the dev task but it doesn't work.
so if you're using (I think) you'll want to set BOOT_EMIT_TARGET=no
@thedavidmeister: i know im a bit late to the convo, but hoplon already has route-cell
which returns a formula cell which auto responds to hash change.
sorry, @raywillig had no
then changed to yes
before 2.5.5 and then target change. So keeping it no
works for both, however I see the reload is not working on the browser side.
ahoy @scot-brown, welcome