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Doug Kirk01:10:05

Java added syntax sugar for doing this with try(stream) { ... } and the above Scala snippet is what we use at my day job

Doug Kirk01:10:24

I don't know what the equivalent in Clojure is.


in clojure you'd use with-open


(with-open [is (InputStream. foop)] ...)

Doug Kirk01:10:38

Any way, that's the typical idiom for closing files vs. finalizers (there's really no such thing as a destructor on the JVM)


right but lots of people don't do it


and we'll never educate them all


so in the end there will be input streams that will need to be closed by the finalization code i guess

Doug Kirk01:10:53

unless you call runFinalization explicitly (which from Javadoc indicates it'll either run in your thread or block), the finalizers really don't get run


streams could also be open in other threads, possibly, no?

Doug Kirk01:10:29

But, you could kick off a background thread to call runFinalization

Doug Kirk01:10:42

It only finalizes things that are eligible already

Doug Kirk01:10:08

And if you wanted to, you could request gc afterwards with (.gc System)


i didn't know about that lil guy


do you think it would work?


it would be so great to have boot working well in windows

Doug Kirk01:10:02

Yeah, it'll run the finalization, which should help. Certainly worth a few minutes to test to see actual impact.


awesome, thanks! @symbit 🎌


we could special case it for windows if it proves effective