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Hi guys! I have had and issue writing simple query to fetch records based on primary keys given in vector to get something like this SELECT * FROM s_lab_results WHERE key IN (23, 456, 890)


I have started with query building function as:

(defn records-for-keys-alt
  [table-name primary-key-column records-keys]
  (let [table-name-for-hsql (keyword table-name)
        primary-key-hsql (keyword primary-key-column)]
    (first (hsql/format {:select [:*]
                         :from   [table-name-for-hsql]
                         :where  [:in primary-key-hsql :?values]}
                        {:params {:values records-keys}
                         :pretty true
                         :inline true}))))


but it has resulted with : "\nSELECT *\nFROM s_lab_results\nWHERE key IN [23, 456, 890]\n" which is not correct due to usage of [] brackets.


What was working after colleague had helped me was:

(defn records-for-keys
  [table-name primary-key-column records-keys]
  (let [table-name-for-hsql (keyword table-name)
        primary-key-hsql (keyword primary-key-column)
        records-keys-inline (mapv #(vector :inline %) records-keys)]
    (first (hsql/format {:select [:*]
                         :from   [table-name-for-hsql]
                         :where  [:in primary-key-hsql records-keys-inline]}
                        {:pretty true}))))
which gives: "\nSELECT *\nFROM s_lab_results\nWHERE key IN (23, 456, 890)\n" but I am not sure where I have made error in initial function. What do you think?


The documentation explains why you can't do that (named parameter vector with :in). And that second example isn't safe either. Why are you inlining values? That's not safe in general (SQL injection risks)


Understood, thanks! Values are collection of integers. Actual call may be like (q/records-for-keys-alt "s_lab_results" "key" [23 456 890])


Integers are always checked, since they are results of diff between source and destination database in data integration mechanism.