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hey all, i'm testing out some style mappers to react
I am facing a problem using helix camel-case
logic when passing :-webkit-background-clip
to react.
It is converted to WebkitBackgroundClip
but react doesn't attach this style to my component.
I'm not using helix directly, so I was wondering if I'm missing some transformation that happens later on.
by the way, other -webkit
props does work for me
that's the piece of code I'm using:
(def aria-data-css-custom-prop-special-case-re #"^(aria-|data-|--).*")
#?(:cljs (def camel-regexp (js/RegExp "-(\\w)", "g")))
(defn camel-case
"Returns camel case version of the string, e.g. \"http-equiv\" becomes \"httpEquiv\"."
(if (or (keyword? s)
(string? s)
(symbol? s))
(let [name-str (name s)]
; this is hot path so we want to use low-level interop
#?(:clj (cond
(some? (re-matches aria-data-css-custom-prop-special-case-re name-str)) name-str
(= (subs name-str 0 1) "'") (subs name-str 1)
:else (string/replace name-str #"-(\w)" #(string/upper-case (second %))))
:cljs (cond
(some? (.match name-str aria-data-css-custom-prop-special-case-re)) name-str
(= (.substring name-str 0 1) "'") (.substring name-str 1)
:else (.replace name-str camel-regexp #(.toUpperCase %2)))))
it looks like you're trying to use this for which this regex wasn't originally built for.
you could modify the original aria-data-css-custom-prop-special-case-re
regex you're using to handle -webkit
too. should be pretty easy.
not really sure what you're trying to do but in general, using CSS-in-JS solutions you shouldn't have to write -webkit-<style>
I'm passing these style props to my react component using vanilla react. Running the following in js works:
<button style={{ WebkitBackgroundClip: "text" }}>btn</button>
But the following doesn't
:-webkit-background-clip "text"
:-webkit-text-fill-color "transparent"
:-webkit-box-decoration-break "clone"
note that both -webkit-text-fill-color
does get to the browser but -webkit-background-clip
I'm not sure where to look, but since I got my inspiration from this lib, I thought asking in this channelit's a real voodoo here... that's the component that gets to the browser, just before render
#js {$$typeof #object[Symbol(react.element)], :type span, :key nil, :ref nil, :props #js {:style #js {:WebkitBoxDecorationBreak clone, :boxDecorationBreak clone, :overflowY visible, :aspectRatio nil, :WebkitBackgroundClip text, :marginInlineStart nil, :transform nil, :inlineSize nil, :marginBlockEnd nil, :position relative, :marginBlockStart nil, :backgroundPosition center, :placeSelf stretch, :fontSize 12px, :borderRadius 0, :blockSize max-content, :insetInlineStart 0%, :placeContent stretch, :zIndex nil, :flexShrink 0, :backgroundSize cover, :display inline-block, :insetBlockStart 0%, :marginInlineEnd nil, :background linear-gradient(90deg,#000000,#ffffff), :textAlign nil, :WebkitTextFillColor transparent},
only the WebkitBackgroundClip
is not displayed in the element css thofound the problem, it's the order of the map of style props, when it's more than 8 entries
background: blue;
background-clip: text;
results in a different output from
background-clip: text;
background: blue;