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Hello quick question, I have the following sample:
;; works
($ "div" {:class "class-name"} "hello")
;; don't work
(defn style [] {:class "class-name"})
($ "div" (style) "hello")
I saw that the $
does some type checks on the args, what is the best approach to support this behavior currently? I was playing around thought to test it with helix, but ended up having this problem.It throws the following:
Uncaught Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {key, val, __hash, cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$, cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.
Strange, I'm definitely doing something wrong here, if I copy the definition of $
locally it works. oO
(defn $$
"Create a new React element from a valid React type.
($ MyComponent
($ \"span\"
{:style {:color \"green\"}}
\"child2\" ))
[type & args]
(let [?p (first args)
?c (rest args)
native? (or (keyword? type)
(string? type)
(:native (meta type)))
type' (if (keyword? type)
(name type)
(println ?p (map? ?p))
(if (map? ?p)
(apply create-element
(if native?
(impl.props/-dom-props ?p)
(impl.props/-props ?p))
(apply create-element
Just added a print for debug and
;; now works oO
($$ "div" (style) "hello")
You can read about it here
the definition you copied is of the CLJS function form, not the macro form. When you call ($ ,,,)
CLJS chooses the macro first. if you pass the $
as a value, like (apply $ ,,,)
then it will use the function that you copied, which does handle dynamic props but is slower.
Got it! Thanks for clarifying