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I have started actually using protocols for more complicated pieces of UI, where I put the implementation of the protocol in a Context as high up as needed. Part of the protocol is a function that has “store” semantics, ie exposes a reseda store that rerenders when values change. Other parts are about side effects and mutations etc.


This opens up more cohesive large components that work together but can still be reused. It’s not commonly used but when it does it saves a lot of effort and mistakes.

Bryce Tichit22:10:22

Hey guys, I really enjoy playing around with ClojureScript and its eco-system , in particulary Helix, it's really the best language ever. As well the community is amazing. I'm looking forward to build things with it but now I'm thinking about building my next SaaS project in JavaScript, mainly because it is not really technically demanding and a JavaScript software would looks less "obscure" to future acquirers. Am I right by thinking that if my project is not demanding enough it's not worth it to go with CLJS stack and go with JavaScript + React ? It's the conclusion I came up with, that ClojureScript is amazing but show its strengths a lot more on technically demanding projects. My project is essentially a UI connected to a back-end that makes heavy use of React Query Would love to have you guys feedback ! :)


I would actually go the other way: if your app is a pretty run of the mill dashboard or SPA on top of some service, CLJS is great for that.


if you're doing something really novel or demanding of the UI, you are probably better served spending the effort you'll use with ClojureScript in those places that are actually novel


your point about looking good for acquirers is important, though. certainly a JS app will be easier for someone else to take on and hire for if you intend to sell the product


however, if you're looking to hire and retain a high skill team, clojure can also be good for that. which also looks good for investors and people looking to acquire not just a product but a company