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Stephen Pegoraro04:06:47

Just want to say that after bouncing between languages for various projects (python, rust and far too much JS/TS) working with Clojure(Script) again is just a damn joy! Programming is a side-gig for me and these are undoubtedly the best tools. Thanks to everyone in the community for making it so great!

gratitude 14
clojure-spin 20
cljs 12
Arthur Fücher19:06:06

Just want to thanks @bruno.bonacci for sharing the knowledge about how to organize a community! He is helping a lot with the Brazilian meetup clojure-brasil So, Brazilian community a big shout out to @bruno.bonacci thanks2

❤️ 35
gratitude 38

You are welcome, and thank you to you for sharing your streaming tool experience with me.

❤️ 3