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Lots of gratitudegratitude:gratitude: to all those who have commented and helped me even when my own blunders have been my undoing. Also to #CJTRRQ857 for making my life easier so I don't have to add new sections to every deps.edn I'm working on. I recently learnt that I can chain commands to start my nREPL. (@vlaaad for Reveal. Hotload, thanks to @seancorfield video where I learnt that I can load libraries on the fly without restarting the REPL and to practicalli documentation so I can load Reveal with Cider so that #CBE668G4R works great for me. It feels great to just put it all together lib/hotload:middleware/nrepl:inspect/reveal-cider and have everything working. Also thanks to @borkdude for #C03KJHCNZ99 commands.) All in all, gratitude for all the pieces and people that make working with Clojure enjoyable. gratitude

gratitude 15
calva 4