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We ran into an interesting issue where lacinia returns "com.walmartlabs.lacinia.schema/null" instead of nil when tagging nil with a schema-type. I suspect this is related to the return-type of this field (which is a non-nullable union), it seems like a bug; should I create an issue or am I missing something šŸ‘€ ?


That looks like a bug to me.


I can try to get a repro going if youd like


Hey there, building my first Clojure library, and it aims to combine Datomic and Lacinia! šŸ˜³ Still in draft and all, but happy to read your thoughts! (And also keen to get coding feedback šŸ™Š)

šŸ‘ 1

I like this idea and lots to learn from building it. hereā€™s an alternative that might make it easier for youā€¦


if you used this lib you get the lacinia schema for free


you also get the Datomic schema for free. this addresses the issue of inferring the ā€œentityā€ shape from the schema, the Hodur schema makes that very clear


you could create a set of Lacinia resolvers to provide CRUD i.e. link the GraphQL and Datomic schemas together to produce a working web service. this can be created and tested locally using the dev-local lib from Datomic Cloud


just a suggestion. either way, I like seeing what you are doing


Hi @U0510KXTU, indeed and I didnā€™t know about the Hodur approach. Ofc, I canā€™t replace domain modelling, so the datomic schema needs to be modelled anyway. I will think about it, maybe there is a way to differentiate the approaches. My main motivation is/was keeping datomic as source of truth and not deriving both schemas from a third source, so maybe thatā€™s simply a different way to do it. (I hope itā€™s still helpful for some people. I will probably try out both in my application stack anyway.) About CRUD, yes thatā€™s the plan, reusing transaction function etc. Thank you for the nice words and the feedback! šŸ˜Š