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Hey! Has anybody got re-graph to run with shadow-cljs compiling to expo target? I do it like this, and compiling to browser target, it actually works. Compiling to expo target, nothing is happening, no errors raised, pure silence. I don't know if this belongs here or in shadow-cljs. I don't know how to debug this.

(defn init!
  "Initialize re-graph."
  (js/console.log "init re-graph")
  (re-graph/init {:http {:url                  (str "http://" QUERY_HOST)
                         :impl                 {:headers {"Authohrization"     ACCOUNT
                                                          "Authorization-CSRF" CSRF}}
                         :supported-operations #{:query :mutate}}
                  :ws   {:url  (str "ws://" QUERY_HOST "/?_=" CSRF)
                         :impl {:headers {"Authorization"      ACCOUNT
                                          "Authorization-CSRF" CSRF}}}}))

(re-graph/query "{ some { query } }" {} (fn [res] (js/console.log "res" res)))

Daniel Craig15:01:17

Wish I could help, I haven't used Expo however

Daniel Craig16:01:14

Is anybody able to show an example of how to use Expound to format the spec errors that sometimes pop up while using Lacinia? I saw this recommended in the documentation but I haven't seen an example of how to do it yet. Or is it as simple as just adding a dependency on Expound?