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hello all, how do you deal with authentication ?


I thought using a mutation login that after check user and password return a token that will pass in all queries. Is that a good way to do this?

Lennart Buit05:05:54

We just pass an Authentication header, with a JWT that you got from an oauth provider


You can pass a connection-init-payload with Apollo or re-graph, and lacinia-pedestal can handle it


I use as an external OAuth 2 provider and have an interceptor attached to verify this token. Works fine.


… now I’m trying to use GraphQL directives implement role based access controls on resolvers and I’m struggling with finding the right place to put my interceptor…


Lennart have you used lacinia?

Lennart Buit19:05:18

We basically have a little interceptor in our stack that checks you have a valid access token (JWT in our case). So thats prior to lacinia getting involved.

Lennart Buit19:05:52

And our clients send it with the Authorization HTTP header using the Bearer schema


Regarding… I use JWT for login/access control and in the token’s claims there are the roles assigned to the user. I used GraphQL directives to attach roles to queries and mutations and I’d like to check them before executing the resolver. Within the resolver I can access the directive defined in the schema:

(->> context
     (filter #(= :access (:directive-type %)))
In the schema the directive is defined like this:
:directives [{:directive-type :access
              :directive-args {:roles ["admin"]}
and I can check against the claims I’m extracting from the JWT token using a custom interceptor. Now I’m struggling to find the right place to inject an interceptor that checks the roles from the JWT token claims against the access-roles defined in the schema (query directive). The thing is, that he context in none of the places I tried to inject my interceptor has the :com.walmartlabs.lacinia/selection key. Any ideas? … after digging around and thinking a little, I guess I’ll go with wrapping all resolvers before passing them to com.walmartlabs.lacinia.util/attach-resolvers . Any better ideas?


Feels like this needs a Lacinia enhancement; selections-seq2 could expose field-level directives.