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Grant Horner20:04:40

I noticed that this question pops up every few months, but I haven't seen any definitive answer: has anyone had any luck compiling a cljfx application with native image? 🙂


@h.grant.horner Couldn't hurt asking this on the GraalvM Slack community maybe.


yeah, someone always link the gluon workaround 😂 (thanks for that) which is more java/maven-plugin friendly than if trying from clojure 😔


Afaik, the JavaFx part of the JVM hasn't been implemented by the graalvm team and you must use gluon unless you want to implement that part of the JVM yourself.

☝️ 1
Grant Horner22:04:45

I tried using the Gluon plugin but it doesn't work for ARM MacOS :(


I think there's a gluon channel in the graalvm community slack