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Herman Nurlygayanov17:02:38

Hi. I'm trying to use playback in my ClojureScript project, but getting this error:

File: jar:file:/home/german/.m2/repository/com/github/gnl/playback/0.5.4/playback-0.5.4.jar!/playback/core.cljc
failed to require macro-ns "playback.core", it was required by "playback.core"
Error in phase :compile-syntax-check
RuntimeException: No such var: server/as-channel
I'm new to ClojureScript build sorcery, so I have no idea how to approach this. The proj config is attached.


Hey 👋 Off the top of my head I'd recommend you remove Debux from your dependencies – Playback uses its own fork of it, based on a much newer version – and make sure you explicitly require Clojure + ClojureScript versions 1.10+ in your project. Give that a try and let me know how it goes.


Also, in the future, I'd prefer if you directly opened an issue on GitHub – this way all discussions are in one place, both for myself and for all Playback users (incl. those who are not on Slack), plus I don't always keep close track of what's going on over here. Thanks!

👌 1
Herman Nurlygayanov15:02:29

Tried your suggestions, the error remains. Opened an issue on GitHub.