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Hi I am trying to use buddy to validate tokens from Amazon cognito, but they use JWK, has anyone else attempted this before?
It basically means you have to get a public key from an endpoint and then use that to unsign the JWT token but I am not quite sure how, I found this to get the public key:
(:import java.math.BigInteger
(defn jwk->public-key [jwk]
(let [kty (get jwk :kty)
n (some-> (get jwk :n)
^bytes (base64/decode)
e (some-> (get jwk :e)
^bytes (base64/decode)
(and kty n e
(->> (RSAPublicKeySpec. n e)
(.generatePublic (KeyFactory/getInstance kty))))))
Oh it seems there is some support but I need to upgrade buddy.. Sorry for the noise