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Any recommendations on supporting 'back' buttons rendered within the application page? I'm not yet using HTML5 routing - or Fulcro RAD. For the majority of cases, navigating around the application works really well. I'm using a fairly flat (not nested) router and the user can fluidly navigate. I now have need to navigate to some pages/components that might not have their own navigation ui components, work modally, and be called from multiple places. Probably the correct UI design for this situation is a nice 'back' button rendered as part of that page that will route back to prior route. I could conceivably add a parameter to the route for the 'back' route, but that looks fairly clumsy. I see that the router component itself gets both the new and old routes during a transition and so could do something there. Or, I just get on and implement HTML routing and then any 'back' button just sends a js window back event and I get the forward/back browser buttons working for free. The only disadvantage to latter is that there are some pages that exposing keys in the URL is problematic, so would then need an additional obfuscation step to hash or encrypt those data on a per-session basis for some entities at least.
I had a look at the dynamic routing code, and looked at the parameters passed to router targets, and the latter doesn't get router state. Presumably I could pass router state down to targets through computed props?
The very act of writing out this problem makes me think I should just use HTML history and then users (which include myself) won't complain when they accidentally hit the back button in their browser and lose their application and its state!