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2023-12-25T18:19:02.745Z WARN [com.fulcrologic.fulcro.inspect.transit:9] - Transit was unable to encode a value. See | I started getting this unusual message today after adding a hooks/use-component. With some debugging, I saw the bad value was #object[Symbol(react.element)]. As best as I can tell, this occurs when sending data to fulcro inspect. (I use the external electron version, in case that is a factor)


Is this user error or a bug to report?


It sounds like you are putting a js object in state.


There is no way to transmit such a thing to inspect


Hmmm. I'll dig in more and see if it's user error, though what I'm doing is so simple I'm not sure where I could be going wrong.


Further context, mostly for my own debugging reference. The fulcro component that is the target of use-component is calling (m/toggle! this :open?) The inspect error above seems to happen while sending a :fulcro.inspect.client/new-client-transaction to fulcro inspect for the above mutation.