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@tony.kay still going through i18n, there's a few holes in support for labels in RAD. I'm currently looking at how to have tr labels in reports, it doesn't work when you have ao/enumerated-labels and the values are tr labels
one workaround is to have a column formatted like this for example:
ro/column-formatter (fn [report-instance value row-props attribute]
(case value
"active" (tr "active")
"invited" (tr "invited")))
but it feels like the right way would be to have ?! here
so you always need a fn to do the explicit value-to-value translation, which means column-formatter
is the right place to internationalize. You could use tr-unsafe
in the column formatter
the problem is that colum-formatter is report specific
and there is already an ao/enunerated-labels for enums
I added the example in the PR:
(def student-statuses {"active" #(tr "active")
"invited" #(tr "invited")})
(defattr status :student/status :enum
{ao/label #(tr "Status")
ao/enumerated-values (set (keys student-statuses))
ao/enumerated-labels student-statuses
you’re suggesting this isn’t sufficient:
(if-let [labels (::attr/enumerated-labels column-attribute)]
(?! (labels value))
(str value))
the value from the database itself will never be a fn, so how would another ?!
help here?
well actually I don't know if the fix is needed I'm exploring possible solutions
it looks like enumerated-labels doc is missing the [value] param
because I guess this would work:
ao/enumerated-values #{"active" "invited"}
ao/enumerated-labels (fn [value]
(case value
"active" (tr "active")
"invited" (tr "invited")))
(testing now)
The docstring says:
(def enumerated-labels
"RECOMMENDED For data type :enum. A map from enumeration keyword to string (or a `(fn [] string?)` that defines
the label that should be used for the given enumeration (for example in dropdowns). See `enumerated-values`.
Labels default to a capitalized version of their keyword name."
(fn [value] string?)
it does seem to work without my patch,
my patch except the value to be a potential fn
the current code expect the whole enumerated-label thing to be a fn
so in the snippet I sent above it works because the whole enumerated labels thing is a fn and not just the values for each label
well, I guess it could support being a fn, since that would be a non-breaking change
Sorry I'm not sure I follow you, to recap if we ignore my PR completely this is the situation: the default formatter does this:
{:default (fn [_ value _ column-attribute]
(if-let [labels (::attr/enumerated-labels column-attribute)]
(labels value)
(str value)))}
the docstring says this
A map from enumeration keyword to string (or a `(fn [] string?)
which is actually
A map from enumeration keyword to string (or a `(fn [value] string?)
`(let [value "active"] (if-let [labels (fn [value] (case value
"active" (tr "active")
"invited" (tr "invited")))]
(labels value)
(str value)))
(labels value)
is (get labels value)
or ((fn [value] string?) value)
the code could be slightly more clear but it does work as expected if you consider that the docstring was meant to say (fn [value] string?)
again my patch would have been a completely different semantic:
currently enumerated-value can be a map (ifn) or a function (taking one arg) and returning a string.
with my patch it would have still be the case but on top of that the result of (enumerated-values value)
could have been a fn as well. It seems unecessary .
however I might not have the whole context and vision on rad so if you think it's still a good idea to add that feel free to merge the PR, but locally I reverted my change and things work great now that I know that enumerated-value can be a fn that takes value as argument
I got a bit too hopeful it does work with reports but then it breaks forms
probably because of enumerated-field:
(defn enumerated-options [{::form/keys [form-instance] :as env} {::attr/keys [qualified-key] :as attribute}]
(let [{::attr/keys [enumerated-values]} attribute
enumeration-labels (merge
(::attr/enumerated-labels attribute)
(comp/component-options form-instance ::form/enumerated-labels qualified-key))]
;; TODO: Sorting should be something users control
(mapv (fn [k]
{:text (?! (get enumeration-labels k (name k)))
:value k}) enumerated-values)))
But it is fixed by changing it to:
(defn enumerated-options [{::form/keys [form-instance] :as env} {::attr/keys [qualified-key] :as attribute}]
(let [{::attr/keys [enumerated-values]} attribute
enumerated-labels (or
(::attr/enumerated-labels attribute)
(comp/component-options form-instance ::form/enumerated-labels qualified-key))
options (sort-by :text
(mapv (fn [k]
{:text (or (enumerated-labels k) (name k))
:value k})
I can make a PR to rad-semantic-ui if that suits you
I don't use a fork of semantic-ui and just have a rewritten UI pluginok, so obviously I did mean (fn [] string)
as the value in the enumerated labels map. {:k (fn [] (tr "k")) …}
The ability to make the entire option a (fn [value] )
is also workable, esp since a map is exactly that.
I think we can change it to the following and it will not break anything (this is the new docstring for enumerate-labels)…also requires improving the docstring for ::form/enumerated-labels
The labels for the various values an enumeration can take. Can be one of the following:
1. A map from value to label. E.g. {:k "k" ...}
2. A map from value to a `(fn [] string?)`. E.g. {:k #(tr "k") ...}
3. A `(fn [value] string)` E.g. (fn [k] (get my-labels k))
and then of course code changes in all relevant places to make sure all three are supported
so a global search of the SUI plugin and RAD itself for “enumerated-labels” to catch things like the ::form/enumerated-labels override.
Yeah having the 3 options sounds nice