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I’m trying to figure out getting started with the Native Demo and I am not getting it. My network foo is not good enough to know how to go about resolving this error coming up in the expo console--
2023-10-05T06:01:33.125Z DEBUG [com.fulcrologic.fulcro.ui-state-machines:?] - Trigger :app.model.session/session :event/failed
2023-10-05T06:01:33.141Z DEBUG [com.fulcrologic.fulcro.ui-state-machines:?] - Activating state :state/logged-out on :app.model.session/session
`2023-10-05T06:01:33.035Z ERROR [com.fulcrologic.fulcro.networking.http-remote:354] - See`
`Error: Remote Error`
`at cljs$core$ExceptionInfo (http://localhost:8081/app/cljs.core.js:37369:19)`
`at anonymous (http://localhost:8081/app/cljs.core.js:37430:36)`
`at anonymous (http://localhost:8081/app/cljs.core.js:37426:55)`
`at anonymous (http://localhost:8081/app/com.fulcrologic.fulcro.networking.http_remote.js:639:138)`
`at call (native)`
`at anonymous (http://localhost:8081/app/cljs.core.js:34749:115)`
`at cljs$core$_deref (http://localhost:8081/app/cljs.core.js:2437:41)`
`at cljs$core$deref (http://localhost:8081/app/cljs.core.js:5272:24)`
`at anonymous (http://localhost:8081/app/taoensso.timbre.js:760:34)`
`at error_handler (http://localhost:8081/app/com.fulcrologic.fulcro.networking.http_remote.js:638:58)`
`at call (native)`
`at anonymous (http://localhost:8081/app/com.fulcrologic.fulcro.networking.http_remote.js:538:134)`
`at call (native)`
`at anonymous (http://localhost:8081/app/com.fulcrologic.fulcro.networking.http_remote.js:707:92)`
`at call (native)`
`at anonymous (http://localhost:8081/app/`
`at anonymous (http://localhost:8081/app/`
`at anonymous (http://localhost:8081/app/`
`at anonymous (http://localhost:8081/app/`
`at anonymous (http://localhost:8081/app/`
`at anonymous (http://localhost:8081/app/`
`at anonymous (http://localhost:8081/app/`
`at call (native)`
`at dispatchEvent (`
`at setReadyState (`
`at didCompleteResponse (`
`at apply (native)`
`at anonymous (`
`at apply (native)`
`at emit (`
`at apply (native)`
`at callFunction (`
`at anonymous (`
`at guard (`
`at callFunctionReturnFlushedQueue (`
`{:outgoing-request {:headers {"Content-Type" "application/transit+json", "Accept" "application/transit+json"}, :body "[[\"^ \",\":app.model.session/current-session\",[\":session/valid?\",\"~:account/name\"]]]", :url "http://1*elided*4:3000/api-native", :method :post, :response-type :default}, :original-transaction [{:app.model.session/current-session [:session/valid? :account/name]}], :headers {}, :body "", :status-code 500, :status-text nil, :error :network-error, :error-text "undefined [0]"}`
I’ve tried tweaking my ip from localhost, but not sure if I’m doing it correctly. Can one be getting a status 500 even if it’s not making it to the server? I know I have the server running, but I’ve tried my local network IP and my own computer’s external IP. I have no evidence on the server repl that anything is getting through,