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Hi @tony.kay, it seems like is returning nginx welcome message at the moment. Is this happening to you as well?
👍 1
Hi, I have an app build around to edit polygons. I don't know how to get access to map instance, to retrieve changed polygon ( I tried to find map instance in injected-props.
You’ll probably need to capture an instance of maps into a react ref
(defsc ImageUpload [this props {:keys [on-scan]}]
{:ident (fn [] [:component/id ::ImageUpload])
:query []
:initial-state {}
:route-segment ["image"]}
(let [ref (react/createRef)]
(ui-button {:icon true :labelPosition "left"
:onClick (fn [] (.openImageDialog (.-current ref)))}
(ui-icon {:name "upload"})
"Select Image"))))