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Timofey Sitnikov12:01:42

Good morning, I am attempting to duplicate the root query in the;t=2361s , but when I use UUID, the root query does not work:

(def data [#:problem{:id #uuid "017e10f8-9cc7-8de3-a70c-ae4f31738e46",}
           #:problem{:id #uuid "017e1610-b3d9-87b6-9954-3507205df7b9",}])
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defresolver home-problems-resolver [_env _params]
  {::pc/output [{:home-problems [:problem/id]}]}
  {:home-problems data})
The result is not as expected, see the image. I am assuming there is something special about the uuid and pathom and requires special handling. Any pointers where I can find the solution will be appreciated.


The EQL in your image is wrong. You need a join


[{:home-problems [:problem/id]}]


Good morning! I have a situation where I need a remote mutation to return and remap tid -> rid before routing to the next defsc. I tried optimistic? false and removing the action portion of the mutation to no avail — the routing takes place and the tid is supplied to wll-enter. I am using vanilla Fulcro taken from the template. Any suggestions?

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)21:01:22

FYI I have made troubleshooting instructions for Fulcro dynamic routing more accessible: It is only a draft - please help me improve it by sending your questions and struggles!

🙌 4