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I am confused by routing. When a component becomes the target of a route, does it also become the new "root" component of its children? I have read all the documentation available on Fulcro and watched the insturction Fulcro 3 videos, but there isn't a clear answer in my mind. My problem is that I have a child component and I cannot access it's props.


If you are not seeing props, it is almost certainly a problem with the composition of initial state, or your destructuring and passing of props.


All a router does is change its query and which child it renders. The API lets you compose them and send instructions to multiple routers via interpretation of the nesting, but really each router is just a dyn query and a render body that chooses a child.


Thank you very much @U0CKQ19AQ. It was indeed my props. I was loading a value into the wrong place.