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I started a clj-kondo Fulcro config PR/ If there are any kondo users in here I’d love to hear your feedback/ideas. It’s fairly half baked at the moment.

❤️ 6

I’m having a minor strange problem that I haven’t figured out yet. I added RAD to an existing Fulcro app integrated into a lacinia pedestal app. When I browse to /people?_rp_=WyJeICJd& the & at the end causes a NullPointerException in ring.middleware.nested_params because it’s getting an invalid query-params map :query-params {:_rp_ WyJeICJd, nil } in the request map. This isn’t happening in the demo app. It’s the same version of ring-defaults. Is this pedestal.jetty vs httpkit?

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)20:04:44

Wrt the recent article by @U04V70XH6 it would not surprise me if there were such differences in how libraries parse the Url. Not sure what I am seeing. Where is the =, did it become a space?! What does the nil corresponds to?


I’m betting it’s a bug in an old version of pedestal I’m using. This is the wrong place to post about it


I was hoping to elide all the ident queries and link queries, just like how Fulcro elides :ui/... query elements by default. I couldn't find where Fulcro does that. The book says that "You can also change the global rewrite logic to elide other local props from remote queries." but I can't locate where the "global rewrite logic" is.