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let's say i delete some entity [:foo/id :bar]--now any joins on it are invalid, right? is there any clever way to rid the client db of joins of a deleted entity, or must it be done either manually or via brute force?


thank goodness


i had the same reaction when i found it lol

Michael W17:08:22

@danvingo I am using your fulcro template with crux, but when I start the backend repl the user namespace is not populated. It's a fresh install, and I haven't made any changes to any files yet. λ make be-repl clj -A:dev:test:guardrails Clojure 1.10.1 user=> (ns-interns ns) {} user=> (require 'user) Execution error (FileNotFoundException) at user/eval3 (REPL:1). Could not locate user__init.class, user.clj or user.cljc on classpath.


hey @michael819 hmm, nothing comes to mind - I'll try out a fresh clone later today and debug what flags did you use when cloning?

Michael W18:08:30

all but node-server

Michael W18:08:40

@danvingo +devcards +workspaces +test +server


kk, thanks


ok just tried it - and it's working


my guess is you didn't run make + make fe first. here's what I ran:

clj -A:new  dv.fulcro-template my-username/my-project-name +devcards +workspaces +test +server
# in another terminal: 
make fe
# in another terminal:
make be-repl

Michael W18:08:51

@danvingo I just cleared the dir, and did those three steps but the user namespace is still empty

Michael W18:08:46

Not good enough with clojure yet to debug this, but all the settings look right, and I see src/dev/user.clj in the dir, but it's empty in the be-repl


hmm ok, I did run into some annoying local maven repo caching issues in the past so maybe I'm not actually running the code you're running

Michael W18:08:07

This is a brand new install of Linux Mint so the only maven packages I have were downloaded just for this project. I just got a new hdd and did a clean install last night.


ok that's good to know. Then yea my guess is I have some local code changes to the project that aren't in the version on clojars. I should have some time later today to dig into it

Michael W18:08:18

@danvingo Thanks for taking the time, I really like the way you did this so I hope to be able to base my app off this template. You did a lot of the work I would struggle with as a noob.


np thanks for the positive feedback! - iterating on templates can be a pain because you have to make a change, generate a project - start 2 repls. test, repeat. takes a while

Michael W18:08:54

@danvingo ok something interesting, if I use clojure instead of clj to run the command it works: clojure -A:dev:test:guardrails

Michael W18:08:24

@danvingo but clj -A:dev:test:guardrails causes user ns to be empty


can you confirm rlwrap is installed?

Chris O’Donnell18:08:50

That's odd. The only difference between the two is that clj wraps clojure with rlwrap

Michael W18:08:17

Yes and I did not get any errors using clj, just an empty user namespace