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@boccato I played with cypress some more. I’m liking it. The async kb events are not done perfectly, so type() isn’t working right unless you set the delay rather high, but I found this workaround that does quite nicely, which you can add to the support/commands.js file:

const nativeInputValueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.HTMLInputElement.prototype, 'value').set;

Cypress.Commands.add('fill', {
    prevSubject: 'element'
}, (subject, value) => {
    cy.wrap(subject).then((input) => {
        // get the DOM node
        const domnode = input[0];, value);
        domnode.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', {value: value, bubbles: true}));

👍 4

then you can use cy.get('#field').fill('some text') and there is no delay or screw up


so how does it generate the tests you record... is it just javascript? or data?


you don’t record, you write code (in js)


but it’s pretty easy


looking at the video on it looked like it was recording your interactions


never mind, on a second look it's recording the ui as it tests so you can view it after the fact

Adrian Smith09:11:37

Good morning, I have the Fulcro 3 starter template, I'm trying to create some documentation for hello world for my personal use here: (images broken) but I can't figure out how to get a component to render hello world (in that starter template), additional details here:

Adrian Smith09:11:37

This is the furthest I can get, by copying the index.html from the workspaces directory to the main public folder and modifying the javascript script link to the compiled output


@sfyire the template assumes you are using the backend described in the readme steps. so you should be accessing via localhost:3000 not the test server

Adrian Smith10:11:29

oh I see, thank you I'll retry later today


Hi all, I'm making an electron app that will require no backend. I just need a local db. What's the fulcro way of doing this? The docs kinda assume there's an api AFAIK


@mping hello 🙂 the API can be local, the Fulcro template uses pathom in the backend, but you can also use pathom in the front-end, so you can write a parser in cljs and use that


@wilkerlucio olá 🙂 what do you mean as local api? I'll still have a bg process running in electron main, outside of renderer?


it could use that, but could also live directly in the browser page, depends on how you want to design it


when I think API for fulcro, I'm thinking this: you need something to process the EQL requests


Fulcro, when it needs to communicate with the outside world, it always uses EQL, so what you need is a fulcro remote that can fulfill those queries


in the default template, this is fulfilled by sending an HTTP request with the EQL request in it


but if you write a local pathom parser, it can fulfill the EQL request directly there, makes sense?


Yes it does, I just need to map the fulcro terminology to my head

Adrian Smith19:11:39

What does -Dtrace do?

Adrian Smith19:11:48

hmm seems ok without anything but the dev alias, I assume this means guardrails is off not sure what -Dtrace is though

Björn Ebbinghaus19:11:04

From the template README: > The -J-Dtrace adds a JVM argument that will enable performance tracing for Fulcro Inspect’s network tab so you can see how your resolvers and mutations are performing.