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While developing a chrome extension, is it possible to have fulcro-inspect interact with the options page ? I see Installing Fulcro Inspect {} in the console and __fulcro-inspect-remote-installed__="true" on my html element, yet the fulcro-inspect popup says Fulcro app not detected. I suspect chrome prevents injections from other extensions. Is there some special content_security_policy that would help or should i just do without fulcro-inspect in this particular case ?


@U066U8JQJ would know most about that


@U13RRNF2M yeah, that doesn't work, I never did a debug on why, but I suspect too of some security policy


there is an idea to have a fulcro inspect stand alone, most of the architecture can support that, but never got the time to work on that, that could enable reach from anywhere (including chrome extensions)


the react people are using an external tool for this, and it looks like there is an electron based thing in fulcro-inspect too,


so i guess it's unfinished


yeah, exactly that, they just have more people to work on it, hehe


well then we'll do it like regular web developers then =) console.log uphill both ways =)