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@claudiu and I have been discussing UI routing improvements. I put together a working doc and a sample implementation. It is much simpler than the current routing solutions in Fulcro, composes nicely, and I think it satisfies most feature needs. Be interested in feedback if anyone has some: This is not yet released, but incubator is a deps project, so you can use a deps git URL to play with it. Commit ID dfe3f72abeb3881a55fbecf17e3082aca7124f49 of

parrot 20
bananadance 4

Something which is really useful for a routing system is something like which depending on the pessimistic mutation output will load an error / loading substate


@U6Y72LQ4A I was thinking that that’s already covered by the loading story itself, and is an orthogonal concern. The only “real” work to do in providing feedback in loading in Fulcro in general is to write the UI…something you cannot really get around in any non-trivial app. So, if you could point to a particular way in which “providing” feedback would be generally usable beyond what Fulcro does, then I’m happy to hear it. These docs tie the routing up with the specific method of loading that has to do with models (ORM I assume). In Fulcro you might have to run a pessimistic mutation, load some data, etc. Those tools already give you the ability to update app state as they proceed (which is identical to changing UI in a pure rendering system)….so what can/should the router add? Ah, so perhaps there needs to be some “intermediate” UI that shows for loading (which you define elsewhere)?


So, how about:

(defrouter MyRouter  Settings User
  (dom/div "Loading..."))
where the body of the router is “what to show on pending routes”?


the syntax could then probably use some work, but that’s not a bad idea. Convenient place to put the UI to show when a route is deferred. It would probably be useful for that code to also know: 1. Which route is being left 2. Which is going to be shown and it might be useful to also be able to configure a “timeout” for what constitutes a delay to prevent flickering.


Refining that a bit (including an extra timeout for giving up on a really slow route):

(defrouter MyRouter
  {:routes #{Settings User}
   :error-ui (fn [some-info-about-issue] (dom/div "Error loading this page"))
   :deferred-ui (fn [from-ident to-ident] (dom/div "Loading..."))
   :deferred-timeout 50 ; time before showing loading
   :error-timeout 5000}) ; time after which a deferred route that isn't ready should change to an error 


This looks like a job for (sound of trumpet) UI State Machines!!! 😛

🎺 4

Ah, and this will also make the “initial state” case consistent, since I can start the router state machines on mount, and let them trigger initial setup, meaning I can lift the restriction that routers have an initial view for startup that does not require loading….sweet


Done. The latest tip of that branch has timeouts for doing flicker-free load UI, error UI, and custom timeouts. The routers now use state machines internally.

👍 12

This looks absolutely amazing! We will definitely try this out soon


hello people, just came to share my current talk, a lot of pathom and fulcro on it ;)

parrot 16
rainbow-mouth 12

Great talk Wilker, when you lay it all out it is insane how much leverage you get by using Fulcro and Pathom. And how nice the development tools are.


thanks man 🙂


@U066U8JQJ Like wow... was 90% set on graphql backend, now think eql & pathom are the right call... You're presentation topped the REBL & rich's talks for me. Re-watching it again now 🙂


Just released Fulcro 2.6.17. This is a minor bugfix version. I discovered a “lost frame” refresh bug while working with state machines. This fixes that issue.


Does anyone have a working example of Fulcro+Expo I can look at? I used the lein expo template to generate an Om app and then swapped out Fulcro for Om, and everything appeared to be working fine, until I tried to do a production build. Now I have been trying to get this working for 3 days and no luck. The weird thing is, it doesn’t appear to be an externs issue - even when I change the optimization settings to :none, the production build still fails (but it works fine when using instead of Fulcro).


how does it fail?


It fails trying to mount the root component in React Native. I looked up the particular error and most of the time it’s caused by not exporting the component (from JavaScript at least). But like I said, this works with I can throw a minimal demo app up on Github if that helps.