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Hey I’m at the I_Exercise_on_Putting_It_Together step of the tutorial, unsure where I should crib from for the ex-start ex-stop ex-restart functions?


@sooheon So, the tutorial is a bit under-maintained at this point…sorry, I’m not even sure what you’re talking about and I wrote it 😜 The book and videos are the more authoritative sources now.


Hah no problem, have moved on to them :)


I’m also getting java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:, when running lein repl on the fulcro-template


but reading the book and watching videos is plenty of learning


ah, now that shouldn’t be…you using figwheel or shadow-cljs?


or you’re talking about the server, I guess


this is fulcro-template example, not the minimal lein template


Oh, THAT template


so that is also outdated now that I started maintaining the lein one…too many balls 😕


should I be working off the lein template with example snippets?


Basically, if you upgrade to that latest Fulcro I made some of the deps “provided” you have to add a temp


the code in that template is fine…the deps may be missing a thing or two


I should probably mark that template as “needing help” until I have time to update it…


do you see [ “62.1”]


in deps of template? That is what you need, and it looks like it is on the develop branch


I think maybe you have master instead?


the fulcro-template is working for me


I’m seeing [ "62.1"], I’m also seeing

14:59	Dependency resolution error
			Error synchronising fulcrologic/fulcro-template:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT:
			Failed to collect dependencies at


maybe I should reindex maven repositories?


^ above problem is resolved :) In the book: >“The problem is that we can optimize away a re-render of a parent when it can figure out how to pull just the data of the child on a refresh, and in that case the callback will get lost because only the database data will get supplied to the child!” Is this related to the keys in :query of the child not having a key for the callback? (because the callback doesn’t live anywhere in the db)


@tony.kay Absolutely loving the video tutorials! Following along and playing around w/ devcards is finally getting me the “aha” moments for fulcro. I did not grok the benefits of normalizing app-db, or indirection around mutations with “someone else’s opaque macros” until I’d built a couple webapps and seen the rapid mess I make of them.


It’s the problem of evaluating libraries @sooheon, I think. Anything that establishes new-looking patterns requires that you write something non-trivial in it in order to see the trade-offs. I’m still having those aha moments after almost 3 years (I still discover ways in which the structure of Fulcro makes things better/easier), which is what has given me confidence to continue. The new state machine stuff is a good example…don’t know that you could do them quite as well in other systems…mainly because of the normalized, consistent app db and abstract data-driven I/O and refresh.


Yes, lib evaluation / lib use is like explore/exploit optimization, no perfect answer other than to optimize for your own growth of understanding and reevaluate at the right times. A year ago, I judged hiccup vs defsc by “ease” metrics, and now I have a slightly different point of view. I’m sure this change is constant--case in point, I have no clue what the state machine stuff means, because I don’t have that experience yet :p


I’m glad to hear you’re still “discovering” new functionality, @tony.kay, it implies fulcro has the right principles and pieces to compose to more than just what you’ve explicitly designed into it.


surprisingly more, I think


@sooheon a year ago I used to use sablono (very hiccup like) inside fulcro components


but the new dom macros with their CSS interpretation and compile time transformations are significantly more performant and just as expressive (i’d argue localized dom CSS is more expressive)


Hi, Been working on a way to simplify the html5 routing + code-splitting + ssr story for my projects for a while. Now trying to take the bits and pieces and put them together in a library. I've got a minimal implementation (proof of concept) working. If anybody is interested I added some docs + a small example app. Any feedback would be really helpful 🙂


cool beans I was literally working on the same thing 🙂 hey in its current state, does it handle nav when you load something other than the root? e.g. you hit the server with /admin/something, the server responds with the index page or whatever, then after load you get nav'ed to the expected router state and what have you


@U380J7PAQ Do you mean server side rendered page or just load the route from the uri ? 🙂


not SSR, just handling the routing correctly when you do a server page load that's 'not root'


nice SSR (java & node) is on the roadmap. But still have to work out some details 🙂


ah, check the url there, then issue the nav-to appropriately


just need to add a utility method for getting that one 🙂 so hardcoded it to "/" for now, will probably add something later today 🙂


cool, yeah because I guess it could just be nav-to-current-uril or something


yep. Tested it out with a different url, should work. Let me know if you're planning on trying it out and you run into any interesting use-cases 🙂