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The loading mutation is run without waiting for the file-upload one to finish
I am seeing a successful OPTIONS
request, basically file-upload OPTIONS fires, file-upload POST
is pending, but the load is fired at that point
ah, does it matter that the mutations have different remotes?
(defmutation upload-file [{:keys [ident value]}]
(action [{:keys [state]}]
(println "upload-file")
(swap! state set-value* ident value))
(file-upload [env] true))
(defmutation load-adapted-data [{:keys [file-id] :as params}]
(action [{:keys [state] :as env}]
(println params)
(println env)
(println "load-adapted-data")
(println (get @state :file/by-id))
(df/load-action env :adapted-data nil
{:params {:file-id file-id}}))
(remote [env] (df/remote-load env)))
(prim/ptransact! this '[(upload-file …) (load-adapter-data …)]
hmmm…run this function and tell me what the output is:
(prim/pessimistic-transaction->transaction `[(upload-file {}) (load-adapted-data {})]
{:valid-remotes #{:remote :file-upload}})
in my ptransact! ?
[(contaico.api.mutations/upload-file {:ident [:file/by-id #fulcro/tempid["aa3bfdfb-f46b-462c-9fc0-159a4e81d839"]], :value {:db/id #fulcro/tempid["aa3bfdfb-f46b-462c-9fc0-159a4e81d839"], :file/type :file.type/main, :file/name 2018-05-alegra-invoices.csv, :file/size 561887, :file/uploaded? false, :file/js-file {}}})
( {:remote :file-upload, :tx [(contaico.api.mutations/load-adapted-data {:file-id #fulcro/tempid["aa3bfdfb-f46b-462c-9fc0-159a4e81d839"]})]})]
@tony.kaylike, you’re using the normal http remote from fulcro, just with middleware for the req/resp
I’m using this
(def api-request-middleware (-> (net/wrap-fulcro-request) wrap-auth-token))
(defn api-response-middleware [app]
(-> (net/wrap-fulcro-response) (handle-token-expiration app)))
(defn api-remote [app endpoint]
{:url (str " " endpoint)
:request-middleware api-request-middleware
:response-middleware (api-response-middleware app)}))
But it looks like it is not waiting on the file middlewares no?
wait, this might be fishy
(defn handle-token-expiration [handler app]
(fn [{:keys [status-code status-text] :as req}]
(if (and (= status-code 401)
(= status-text "Unauthorized"))
(prim/transact! (:reconciler @app) `[(token-expired)])
(handler req))))
I’m transacting within a middleware
no…it could be that ptransact requires the remotes to all be the same…let me refresh my memory
i don’t think so @tony.kay
I’ll take a look
@currentoor was just doing some of this…I’ll defer to his more recent knowledge 🙂
so i’ve got this mutation that uses the file-upload
(defmutation upload-file
"Mutation: Start uploading a file. This mutation will always be something the
app itself writes, because the UI will need to be updated. That said, adding
the file to the client database is done via the helpers add-file*."
[{::file-upload/keys [id size abort-id] :as file}]
(action [{:keys [state]}]
(swap! state (fn [s]
(-> s
(file-upload/add-file* file file-upload/MAX-FILE-SIZE)
(assoc-in [::camera-btn :singleton :file]
[::file-upload/by-id id])))))
(file-upload [{:keys [ast]}]
;; don't even start networking if the file is too big.
(when-not (>= size file-upload/MAX-FILE-SIZE)
(-> ast
(m/with-abort-id abort-id)
(m/with-progressive-updates `(file-upload/update-progress ~file))))))
and i’ve got this other mutation that was built for the incubator’s pmutat!
(defmutation new-wash-&-unconfirmed-vehicle
[{:keys [wash file-id]}]
(action [{:keys [state]}]
(log/info "Creating unconfirmed vehicle with file id" file-id "wash-id" (:wash/id wash))
(swap! state add-wash* wash))
(ok-action [{:keys [state ref] :as env}]
(let [unconf-v (get-in @state (conj ref ::pm/mutation-response))
ident (prim/get-ident u.m.s.confirmation/UnconfirmedVehicle unconf-v)]
(swap! state
(fn [s]
(-> s
(prim/merge-component u.m.s.confirmation/UnconfirmedVehicle unconf-v)
(assoc-in [:wash/id (:wash/id wash) :ui/unconfirmed-vehicle] ident))))))
(error-action [{:keys [state reconciler] :as env}]
(u.flash/show! reconciler {:error (util/default-error @state) :duration 0})
(r/route-to-impl! env {:handler :camera})
(u.m.state-machine/set-impl! env {:value :base}))
(remote [env] (pm/pessimistic-mutation env)))
which definitely relies on the upload-file
mutation happening on the server a priori
and i’m able to ensure this only with the incubators ptransact!
not the one built into fulcro proper
(pm/ptransact! this
`[(r/route-to {:handler :packages})
(u.m.state-machine/set {:value :photo-taken})
(upload-file ~file)
{:file-id ~id :wash {:wash/id ~wash-id
:wash/state :initial}})])
i’m not sure how (if) tempid resolution is affected across remotes however, i’m using client generated UUIDs which i use as primary keys everywhere
@pvillegas12 does that make sense?
yeah, @currentoor I’ll try using the incubator ptransact!
I can get the tempid mapping from the state if they are properly chained
ok, do you need tempids?
switching away from them to client generated random-uuids did save me some headache and complexity
this is the first time tempids are biting me 😛
are you using datomic also?
but I do see how the client uuids can help here
yes, using datomic
yeah same for me
The tempid
remapping is quite harmless 🙂
yeah in most cases i agree it works, but it is a non-zero amount of extra complexity
and i’m not sure how much benefit it provides, it’s just one more thing that can go wrong
Do you have the convention of some field for all types of objects?
yeah it was @tony.kay’s suggestion, we use <entity-name>/id
so a user entity will have an attribute called :user/id
which will be a UUID with a uniqueness constraint (indexed)
I believe @wilkerlucio uses that too?
yeah, that looks like a better way to handle client generated tempids
i’d recommend going one way or another early on, refactoring in a larger project won’t be fun 😅
but do what works for you
I like the :user/id
format, reduces the translations of attributes to do on server side when using pathom
oh yeah i forgot, it’s better for working with pathom (which is pretty cool by the way)
Incubator’s ptransact!
works 😄
When using defrouter
would it be normal to define your "navigation handler" function in the root component and pass it all the way down to the place where it's needed? So you might be using prim/computed
going down through several levels of UI components?
for a component that needs to know the current route you add [fr/routers-table '_]
to it’s query
say the relevant router is ::admin-router
(defrouter WashProgramAdminRouter ::admin-router
(fn [_ props] (tab-ident props))
::details WashProgramDetailsTab
::subscriptions WashProgramSubscriptionsTab
::reports WashProgramReportsTab)
then in render you can get the current tab like so
(let [routers-table (get props fr/routers-table)
active-tab (first (fr/current-route routers-table ::admin-router))]
what if it needs to change the route though? Won't optimisation prevent the root component from re-rendering with the new route displayed if the mutation is made from a nested UI component?
if you want to change the route you have two choices
or fulcro.client.routing/route-to-impl!
helper function can be called inside one of your mutations
> Won’t optimisation prevent the root component from re-rendering with the new route displayed if the mutation is made from a nested UI component? the root component queries for the top level router right? it should update
does that make sense?
I'm currently using routing/route-to
, but was finding that while the DB was changing, the router wasn't being re-rendered. I might need to do some more testing. Thanks for your help
hmm yeah it should work probably need some debugging, unless i misunderstood something 😅
definitely try to avoid passing routes directly through computed props
have you read the book’s sections on routing?
and no worries
oh but i just realized my router uses html5 routes, that might change things
you can make your own mutations that calls r/route-to-impl
and use declarative refresh
I've read bits and pieces about routing in the book, but I probably need to go through it all again
if the mutation changes something the root depends on, and you declare that key in it’s refresh
section then it definitely will re-render
I've just tried calling (prim/transact! this
[(routing/route-to {:handler :list})])` on a component a few levels below the router and it's definitely changing the DB but not re-rendering the router
@currentoor if I add a follow-on read for something on the root component it works though
@tony.kay I’m looking at the fulcro book, and it says somewhere that if I want to deal with REST, I should be using the fulcro legacy networking API. Could you elaborate on why this is the case? I ask because I’ve been using the new networking API with REST just fine, and I’m wondering if I’m missing something.
Yes, Pathom is the answer…please open an issue or send a PR…probably should dump that chapter
awesome, thanks! issue opened.
Any tips on how to make a controlled input field that syncs remotely onBlur? I'm currently passing an extra parameter to my mutation called local-only
in onChange
, which seems to work ok
@ben735 perhaps you could have the onChange
only update local react-state and bind the mutation to onBlur
@ben735 You just need to add a follow on read for something in the parent, or even fr/current-route
…the routing stuff in Fulcro doesn’t invalidate the rest of the UI refresh story.
@ben735 mutations refresh
section is a follow on read <EDITED>
I don’t follow your comment @currentoor…
yeah oops
@currentoor the incubator functions don’t help either, a composition of mutations with different remotes does not respect pessimism 😞 I went with returning the data I need from the first remote instead of separating it out
strange it’s working for me
Looking at the above snippet, how do you actually rely on the file upload finishing?
If you are using a client generated file id for the optimistic part of the UI you don’t really need the server to respond from the file upload
is not working for me in the file-upload
remote, any ideas how to debug this?
so, all of the returning/targeting stuff works by modifying the AST of the remote request
read the source of with-target
@pvillegas12, and follow the data through your middleware
Now I’m getting Query ID received no class
, how do I ensure meta-data is preserved when copying the right data? In this case it’s 'query
from the ast
In this case, I want to put raw data into a specific path
yes 🙂
Right now I’m doing
(cond-> (assoc resp
:error :none
:transaction [(merge (select-keys ast [:query])
{(file-path real-id) [:db/id :status]})])
@tony.kay what else should I be doing apart from this merge?
So, here’s the core thing you need to know: The return value from your middleware goes directly to prim/merge!
(Right now the data is getting merged, however it is being merged at root)
adds metadata to the query to let it know how to normalize..and the shape has to match
no normalization (big payload)
This is the file upload use case I was discussing before
I’m returning the computation with the tempid mapping
(couldn’t get two remotes to behave :()
yes, I’m currently doing
(file-upload [{:keys [ast]}]
(println "upload-file")
(println parent-id)
(m/with-target ast [:integration-details :root-router])))
for the remote part of the mutation
so targeting won’t work unless the mutation looks like a mutation join…because otherwise there is nothing to move
then targeting is added on the metadata of THAT query…e.g. (vary-meta (get-query ReturnType) assoc ::fdi/target [:target :path])
where the get-query
gets you a query that has :component
metadata on all of the recursive things in the query
@tony.kay I got it working 😄 that was intense 😛
happy to hear feedback on making it easier…also, I should probably see if I can fix ptransact across multiple remotes…it should actually work
If you give me some guidance I can work on this
It could be easier for me to fix than guide…I’ll have to glance around. But the testing part takes time, so that would be helpful if you’d be willing to do that part at least. I might be able to direct you to the code path as well…easier for you to do both if the fix is relatively direct
Yeah, would be interested in going more into the internals, so I would be grateful, even for testing 😉
@tony.kay you can either DM more details or add info on the issue and I’ll take it from there (asking questions along the way)
Namely I aligned these two pieces
(assoc resp
:error :none
:transaction [{(file-path real-id) [:db/id :status]
target [:pipeline-data]}])
(assoc resp :body
(merge body {(file-path id) {:db/id id :status status}
target (select-keys body [:pipeline-data])})))
The problem was an understanding of how the middleware (the file upload one) was manipulating the query merging
@tony.kay doing this manual merging, how do I get rid of the edge on the root? I am seeing pipeline-data
in the correct path, but root
has the same data too.
(defn- body-response [{:keys [body] :as resp} target id status]
(assoc resp :body
(merge body {(file-path id) {:db/id id :status status}
target (select-keys ('upload body) [:pipeline-data])})))
(def file-response-middleware
"Response middleware that manipulates the merging of data (mainly the datomic
id of the file and the computed data from the pipeline) by handcrafting
:transaction in the response."
(fn [{:keys [body error] :as resp}]
(let [ast (prim/query->ast1 (:transaction resp))
id (get-in ast [:params :value :db/id])
target (-> ast :query meta vals last)
real-id (get-in body ['upload ::prim/tempids id])]
(cond-> (assoc resp
:error :none
:transaction [{(file-path real-id) [:db/id :status]
target [:pipeline-data]}])
(= error :network-error) (body-response target id :network-error)
(= error :http-error) (body-response target id :network-error)
(and real-id (= error :none)) (body-response target real-id :complete))))
That’s what I’m doing (similar to the one in the file upload repo)
I got around it my hiding the data in 'upload
I feel I’m tiptoeing the targeting system, but I don’t think it can be avoided
Implicitly using it here target (-> ast :query meta vals last)
right, that’s because I’m creating a new :transaction
if I understand correctly
yeah, you’re right
so, you’re not changing the body, but your code isn’t enough for me to understand things…what is IN body?
#object[Object 28684059345420642]},
:pipeline-data [...]
call site
(defmutation upload-file [{:keys [ident value parent-id]}]
(action [{:keys [state]}]
(swap! state set-value* ident value))
(file-upload [{:keys [ast]}]
(println "upload-file")
(println parent-id)
(m/with-target ast [:integration/by-id parent-id])))
From what I can see, if I change :transaction
within the response, I need to manually merge the data I care about
no, you change the transaction to include the mutation merge “query” that will support targeting
you want something like (in this last defmutation) (-> ast (m/returning ['*]) (m/with-target [:integration/by-id parent-id]))
then your middleware pretends to be the server, and returns
{`upload-file {data map of stuff}}
and I don’t touch the transaction in the response then in the middleware?
for that matter, if you write the placeholder and it has an ident function that could generate the “target”, you’d be all set I think
no, that’s the entire implementation above
the db/id is tempid remapping
it is a vector of maps
but it should not be normalized
if you want to return that shape from the server, then :pipeline-data
is going to end up nested in the entity map
but your with-target isn’t doing anything because there is no query…you have to use returning
I was trying to do this
The error-message
just the with-target
part would not re-target the data, the pipeline-data
would remain placed in the root
and then I realized that the middleware was modifying the :transaction
and that led me to the above
I see…but the problem wasn’t the targeting…it was the manipulation of the transaction
I also tried adding the metadata back in to the query part
did you try just pulling the incoming transaction
and doing a conj
for the file upload status?
something like
:transaction [{(file-path real-id) (with-meta ['*] (meta :query resp) }])
let me try that
the original mutation query would have been correct for the targeting, and you didn’t need to throw it out…just add in the extra stuff you want to cause to be merged
(defn- body-response [{:keys [body] :as resp} id status]
(assoc resp :body
(assoc body (file-path id) {:db/id id :status status})))
(def file-response-middleware
"Response middleware that manipulates the merging of data (mainly the datomic
id of the file and the computed data from the pipeline) by handcrafting
:transaction in the response."
(fn [{:keys [body error] :as resp}]
(let [ast (prim/query->ast1 (:transaction resp))
id (get-in ast [:params :value :db/id])
real-id (get-in body ['upload ::prim/tempids id])]
(cljs.pprint/pprint body)
(cljs.pprint/pprint (:transaction resp))
(cond-> (assoc resp
:error :none
:transaction (conj (:transaction resp)
{(file-path real-id) [:db/id :status]}))
(= error :network-error) (body-response id :network-error)
(= error :http-error) (body-response id :network-error)
(and real-id (= error :none)) (body-response real-id :complete))))
not working 😞
The transaction before is
:parent-id #object[Object 62469852643721535],
:component #object[contaico.ui.file-upload.FileUpload],
{:db/id #fulcro/tempid["49514c48-f4f8-42ec-886c-c86b5e13ba12"],
:file/type :file.type/main,
:file/name "2018-05-alegra-invoices.csv",
:file/size 561887,
:file/uploaded? false,
:file/js-file {}}})
is the problem that the query is not including the :pipeline-data
@pvillegas12 your problem I think is body-response
weirdness, at least the other version is working
I used the same one here
mmm, can you elaborate?
your server isn’t responding with the same mutation name as the client is putting in the request
I guess this is taken care of by the macros like defquery-root
on the server right?
The network protocol is very simple…you send a query for :x or ’mutation, and the response has to include {:x value 'mutation value}
and of course queries can nest, so there is that complication, but in principle, it’s very simple
but yeah, for return value processing and targeting, the internals cannot assume the targeting on one mutation applies to some other, just because it’s the only one there 🙂
thanks for the help!
thanks for your help @currentoor,@pvillegas12, @pontus.colliander and @tony.kay!
@pvillegas12 did that fix it?
Haven’t tried yet, @tony.kay I’ll let you know if that does it
So @pvillegas12 @currentoor, I’ve just run a test on Fulcro on ptransact!
against two diff remotes. It behaves as I would expect, and defers properly. I’m confused as to why either of you had problems.
i’m in the middle of something, but i can verify later
wait does original ptransact!
support ok-*
I’m getting this error when i run the clj side of fulcro-spec
(#:fulcro-spec.selectors{set-active-selectors #:fulcro.client.primitives{:error java.lang.AbstractMethodError}} "Parser error:\n" {:status 400, :body #:fulcro-spec.selectors{set-active-selectors #:fulcro.client.primitives{:error {:type "class java.lang.AbstractMethodError", :message nil}}}})
but i’m not sure what i’m doing wrong