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Clearing pending remote requests should clear all queued requests, but there may be a problem in timing
oh right so i could conditionally call the last block of muations inside a mutation
also while you’re here, is this a bad pattern?
(defmutation handle-failed-payment [params]
(action [{:keys [state reconciler]}]
(swap! state assoc-in [ :singleton]
{:negative-msg "Payment failed. Please try again."})
(js/setTimeout #(prim/transact! reconciler `[(remove-overlay)])
(refresh [env] [:root/overlay]))
if i want an overlay to show for 3 seconds then go away
is there a better way?
I discourage transact within mutations for two reasons:
1. People coming from js might make a big mess if they’re in the habit of composing there. If you’re used to nested nested nested callbacks it just seems fine…so I’m trying to encourage better patterns.
2. If you do a transact!
within a swap!
, things get screwy…because then you’re going to run swaps in swaps and things will break.
but technically it is fine to call transact!
from within a mutation (not a swap), though I do recommend you defer the nested one (as you have) to ensure that tools and such see a linear sequence instead of nesting
ah got it
thanks a lot Tony!
I am trying to integrate (at least render) [cljsjs/react-tagsinput “3.17.0-0”] from
but w/o any luck
I added dependency to the project.clj
and have a proper require
how I actually render it?
(defn country-input []
(js/ReactTagsInput.renderInput #js {:value []}))
do I need to create a factory first?
(def ui-country-inpyt (prim/factory js/ReactTagsInput {}))
?please help
If you can, using shadow-cljs for the build might help since you can just use the package from npm (no cljsjs) need.
thanks, but I think shadow-cljs is not an option
Haven't tried using js components yet 😞 There is reakit
implemented in fulcro incubator
> dom/create-element rk/Button #js {:onClick #(js/alert “Pow!“)} “Click me”)))
i just found the same
Will try this, thanks!
and the +
seems working this way
(defn country-input []
(dom/create-element js/ReactTagsInput (clj->js {:value ["GBR"] :onChange #(js/console.log "change")})))
thanks for help
@kirill.salykin you can also use dom/macro-create-element
which will give you support for Fulcro-dom-like features. I need to add that to the book, but Wilker’s blog article here
Using defrouter
I would like to add my form data into the precise location for a given router component so that the router rerenders based on that data changing. I’m trying to avoid a root query like {[root/form-name '_] ... }
and instead add the form ident in the correct place.
Is this possible? I’m trying to add it into the :page-name
table, but it won’t rerender
@pvillegas12 follow-on read?
I don’t understand your question, because there isn’t enough context…so that is my only guess
I have this
(defrouter RootRouter :root-router
(fn [this props] [(:page props) :root-router])
:integrations-index IntegrationsIndex
:integration-details IntegrationDetailsHome)
within a child of IntegrationsIndex
I’m calling a mutation that does
(assoc-in [:integrations-index :form/integration] integration-ident)
(defsc IntegrationsIndex [this {:keys [page model/by-name form/integration]}]
{:query [:page
{:form/integration (prim/get-query IntegrationForm)}
{:model/by-name (prim/get-query IntegrationList)}]
I tried concocting the path [:integrations-index :form/integration]
to rerender the IntegrationsIndex
so, I see a few fishy things. Your ident function on your router always returns :root-router as the second element of the ident…but you’re implying that it should be able to be :form/integration
which would have nothing to do with the ident…but it sounds like maybe you think it should
does it need one?
If you were to use that component with merge-component
or a load
it would not know how to normalize the data
it is optional if you only ever use it as a pre-initialized thing at startup as a child of that one router
AND, it’s ident is the base of the path where you’ll need to put the actual form ident
Right now I do set initial state to have the right page (which is the only thing I need for routing), but I’ve been hitting this part where I want the router to pass down further information to each child
{:integrations-index {:root-router {props of integration index}}
is what your code implies to methis is correct
What is confusing me is what the relative path of the query for the IntegrationsIndex
but the ident should solve that
I only want one form to show up, but I did not want to make it a root query
I’m trying to see what the natural way to model this is, it works if within the query I do {[root/integration '_] (prim/get-query ... )}
and the path to place the form ident at is [:integrations-index :root-router :form/integration]
Does it make sense for me to be avoiding putting the form data at the root?
it does
(defsc IntegrationForm [this {:keys [db/id]}]
{:query [:db/id :integration/name fs/form-config-join]
:form-fields #{:integration/name}
:ident [:integration/by-id :db/id]}
(dom/div "IntegrationForm"))
(assoc-in state-map [:integrations-index :root-router :form/integration] ident-of-form)
in a mutation
well, unless you just made up the form and are using form state…then you have a few steps
the above worked!
(defmutation new-form [params]
(action [{:keys [state]}]
(swap! state (fn [s]
(-> s
(fs/add-form-config* ...)
yup, I have that part
What is the recommendation on the ident part between the router + children?
talking about (fn [this props] [(:page props) :root-router])
this one is static
But the router can also route to different pages on a given table (e.g. the second element of the ident can vary).
Alright, got it, thanks @tony.kay 👍
Does the defrouter
take care of properly setting up the ident
for IntegrationsIndex
You should probably watch this video @pvillegas12:
In it, I show you how to do UI routing manually. The result is pretty much exactly what defrouter
The “short answer” to your question is this:
1. defrouter
makes a component whose initial state is the first route listed. It uses the ident function you’ve supplied to look at the props in that to determine what initial ident it is “routing” to.
2. Initial app state understands unions, and will put the initial state of the “other routing legs” into state, it just won’t have anywhere to write idents.
actually generates two things: A component that “holds” the ident pointing to the “current” screen, and a Union Query component (which has no state…it is an interstitial artifact).
When you “set a route”, all you’re doing is setting the ident inside of that one real component (the component that holds the current screen ident).
Union query of the union element “selects” the subquery based on this ident.
Thus, some of the requirements are: 1. Every component MUST have an ident (because they have to be merged into state at their proper normalized place, e.g. all but the primary leg are merged via a separate automatic step). 2. The router itself needs an ident function that will produce the correct ident when it is given props from any of the components that stand for the “routes”. This has to do with initial state normalization.