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@roklenarcic Ah, yes, that’s the other place.Rendering a component with nil props. The mount code tries to add it to the index.


and the indexer complains if ident comes back fishy


right, on the form stuff. Basically you’ll want to init the form (entity), then put the ident pointing to it in the right place in app state


Assuming you don’t have recursive entities that need to be initialized, build-form will work for you.


Something like (swap! state update-in [:entity-table id] #(build-form FormClass %))


init-form is the more general purpose one, for within mutations


(swap! state init-form FormClass [:entity-table id])


of course, composition with (swap! state (fn [s] (-> s (init-form FormClass [:entity-table id]) (assoc-in [:person-editor :singleton :person] [:entity-table id]))))

Alister Lee08:10:03

@tony.kay thanks for the suggestion. What am I giving away with that? How do we keep the URL -> SSR -> SEO chain if I want Google to index GET /posts/32 etc.?


Tony the issue is that ModalRouter calls render of whatever modal is the default route despite it not being shown, so I've ended up adding a dummy component to the router to prevent renders being called on a modal when the app loads.


@tony.kay Thanks for the extended answer 🙂 I’m certainly aware that things change much in the web sphere which is something that i partly like but also fear. You made your point though 🙂 I would say its good enough for me if fulcro is as stable as you say, ongoing use of it when there are no or almost no bugs is something I wouldn’t mind. As for maintenance, i guess if i would feel the need and i’d have success with what i do, paying you would probably be an option 😉 Thanks a lot for your effort on fulcro anyway, it looks like a great piece! I did not yet test it so thoroughly but i sure will.


@clojure388 Nothing. Just make sure you’re server is set for SSR (as in template) without requiring login for that route


@alpox Have fun! I think you’ll like it.


The interesting thing about forms is that entity is modified as I type in input box, with initial state being held under a special key. Not sure why that design and not the other way around (editing forms modifying state hidden under a special key).