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@lumpy try clearing the caches in the browse - open the dev tools and look through the settings and purge any cache you find. I used to experience the cache showing incorrect pages or getting stuck showing pages from other projects, even after restarting the browser.


I have cleared all caches I can think of. Hard browser cache reset. I did a lein clean and even deleted my .m2 directory. This is not happening when we build a packaged app so figwheel must be involved. Right now only solution is to duplicate / route to /dev.


seems that this dependency entry was causing the issue, removing this entry fixed the problem, adding it back causes it to come back. No idea how that is happening. [metasoarous/oz "1.6.0-alpha2" :exclusions [[org.clojars.didiercrunch/clojupyter]]]


Tried disabling and enabling rebel-readline, didn’t matter


If I run pgrep java after a couple of failed attempts there are a bunch of lingering processes.


On further investigation the REPL seems to work more reliably if I use clj -m figwheel.main.


Is there a major difference between running clj -m figwheel.main and lein trampoline -m figwheel.main?


Apart from them using different class-paths from deps.edn/`project.clj`


seems that this dependency entry was causing the issue, removing this entry fixed the problem, adding it back causes it to come back. No idea how that is happening. [metasoarous/oz "1.6.0-alpha2" :exclusions [[org.clojars.didiercrunch/clojupyter]]]