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Has anyone experienced a figwheel-main setup just breaking with no changes to the project? I had a clj + cljs setup working a few days ago, and now the same project with no changes is doing what I was trying to figure out before -- figwheel is connected to its server, and I have a separate clj Jetty server serving the compiled JS, but the cljs repl isn't connected to the page Jetty is serving. I know this was working before, but I have no clue what changed in the environment


the weirder thing is I can get things working not in Firefox, but in the Gnome browser Epiphany


oh interesting, hard clearing the cache in FF made it work


one day I'll understand all this...😂


Yeah, hard clear browser caches is a good thing to keep in mind often.


Also, be sure to close all fig connected browser windows from time to time if you get issues too - the connections may get messed up.


Then also, occasionally if things seem broken, be sure to clear any local cache/compilation files from figwheel via some sort of “clean” command depending on what build tooling you are using.

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