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I am putting together a template, and have seen different ideas on dir layout -- everything in one src, src and src-cljs, etc. It looks like figwheel-main can selectively ignore all clj files when reloading, but is there an option to enable specific clj files while ignoring the rest? Maybe by adding the metadata to the clj file ns but still ignoring all clj files in options?


you want it to watch some clj files? What's the goal? What i've done, if I care about clj is to write a little macro that triggers a rebuild for specific file changes. Not a common thing though. But in general, i've yet to run into performance issues and when there are hiccups it's easier to resolve the specific problem that try to solve something that's yet to happen.

👍 1

I was curious to try putting all my clj, cljs files in one directory, rather than src, src-cljs, etc. And since figwheel watches a dir it would reload everything by default. But yeah, probably not something to be concerned with at this point, thanks.


Or should I just not worry about it, because on a small project the performance cost reloading won't matter on a decent desktop