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with this dev.cljs.edn

^{:auto-bundle :webpack
  :bundle-freq :smart}
{:main hello-world.core} 
and this source file
(ns hello-world.core)
(js/console.log "hello")
everything works as expected I then modify the source file to
(ns hello-world.core
  (:require [moment]))
(js/console.log moment)
this prints undefined after reloading the browser window it prints funtion hooks()… . is this expected behavior? I would expect the require to work without reloading the page.


Keep in mind that a hot-reload will NOT pick up changes from a re-bundling. You have to refresh the browser to get those changes. So if you add a node dependency and it gets re-bundled into your JS bundle you won't see it until you reload the browser.
In a notice box and everything. still missed it :face_palm:

👀 1