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Do anyone else have the problem with [Figwheel] logs not showing up in the CIDER repl? Any help would be appreciated.


Reverting back to figwheel-main 0.2.7 solves this issue, so there's something going on with the logging that doesn't suit CIDER.


Or so I thought. Doesn't seem to be consistent now. 😞


If anyone else is experiencing this, or have fixed it somehow, please @ me ❤️


New theory: Seems to be a timing issue.


After poking around for a while, it seems like CIDER is running (figwheel.main/start ...) too soon for its own liking. The result being that the Figwheel logger prints to somewhere CIDER isn't looking.


In fact, it's the (require 'figwheel.main) that's the culprit. Being run too soon, the logging is set up in a way that CIDER does not pick up on.


Turns out that doing (require 'figwheel.main) too soon, will have Figwheel set up a logger before CIDER has captured out - resulting in a Figwheel logger that is ignored. This means I can't have (:require [figwheel.main]) in my user.clj , but will need to manually require it once the REPL is operational. Would love some input on this. Should I create an issue on figwheel-main github? I'm not sure CIDER can do anything about requires with such bonus side-effects.