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Noah Bogart16:12:55

How exactly do I get :build-freq to work? I’m using webpack and can’t seem to get it to refresh when i change css (which has preprocessing done with loaders)

Noah Bogart17:12:52

my dev.cljs.edn looks like this:

^{:watch-dirs ["src/cljs" "src/cljc"]
  :css-dirs ["src/css"]
  :open-url false}
 :target :bundle
 :bundle-freq :always
 :bundle-cmd {:none ["npx" "webpack" "--mode=development"
                     "--entry" :output-to
                     "--output-path" :final-output-dir
                     "--output-filename" :final-output-filename
                     "--entry" "./src/css/netrunner.styl"]}}
i want my stylus css file to be converted automatically by webpack, thus the second --entry in :bundle-cmd

Noah Bogart17:12:02

but it doesn’t seem like anything i do to the clojurescript or stylus files makes figwheel rerun the webpack command