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Hi all, I am building an app that serves a reagent-based client, the app must run as a docker container even during development of the client so I am trying to enable a figwheel workflow while the client is served from my docker container but so far I haven’t been able to set this upp correctly, any idea on how to accomplish this?


@amorokh what have you tried, what didn't work? This should just work pretty much :)


@dominicm sorry, I really didn’t state my problem correctly.. besides running in a docker container I also need to package the entire thing in an uberjar so what I am trying to do is to “compile” the client with figwheel to produce output that can be packaged into the jar-file and then served (the reason for the uberjar is a restricted runtime env where I am not able to connect to internet or to write to the filesystem), so I guess that my real problem is: how do I produce a figwheel-enabled client that can be packaged into a jar-file? please let me know if I’m thinking about this the wrong way..


@amorokh how do you edit the files if they're in the uberjar?


good question 🙂 I thought that I could build the client with figwheel support and connect the fighwheel repl from my dev machine and then just edit the files locally and update the client in “memory” in the container, I might be misunderstanding things


You mean by eval'ing?


yes, I guess


Figwheel doesn't really help with that


You probably just want a basic clojurescript browser repl


Make sure you don't use advanced compilation


ok, thanks