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Hi! I'm reading through this guide: and I'm curious why I have to "Select `Use clojure.main in normal JVM process` ". Is nREPL not compatible with figwheel main?


I would say, yes it is but as I understand nREPL is not sufficient to get things rolling:


Anyone using deps.cljs with figwheel-main? I've got it working with my project, but there's some odd interactions when a dependency also has it...


Syntax error (ClassCastException) compiling at (/tmp/form-init13741706945696949699.clj:1:74).
class clojure.lang.PersistentHashSet cannot be cast to class java.lang.Comparable (clojure.lang.PersistentHashSet is in unnamed module of loader 'app'; 
parable is in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
removing the deps.cljs file in the dep "fixes" it...


Still trying to debug this... Does anyone know of any way to get figwheel to give more info regarding these syntax errors? I have no idea whatsoever where this cast is happening...


Not sure why you are using deps.cljs. Do you mean deps.edn?


@U0JUM502E OK - interesting.


Less that and more just trying to do what reagent did, but I'll be trying that later...


Basically I originally wrote an application using figwheel-main, ended up needing npm libraries and now need to turn part of my application UI into a library while still using it...

Scott Starkey18:08:57

Hi there! I’m new to figwheel-main and trying to teach myself Clojure and Clojurescript with a simple tic-tac-toe game. I’ve got the base game going in Clojure, and now I’m trying to learn Clojurescript by porting it over. I set up figwheel-main using lein, and have been able to load a test table using the logic of the tic-tac-toe game. I’ve successfully declared each of the TRs of my table to have an integer ID which I pass to my logic. I can see the ID being declared in the console! So, some good first steps! I’m now trying to get an :onClick to register a click and perform the function. Strangely, the screen does not seem to update after I pass it the swap! statement… until I actually make my next change of code and save it. Once I do that and flip back, I see the change made! I think this has something to do with “Hot Reloading” but I can’t quite grok what I need to do. ( Can someone please point me in the right direction?


@scotto Difficult to say, but from your description the problem lies in the on-click -> state-update -> render flow rather than in figwheel? Then somehow a reload kicks that flow on so it completes properly? So maybe check that the click function updates the state, and also that a state update gets re-rendered. If using reagent, it’s worth a check that the ratom deref really does take place inside a component render function.


Still trying to debug this... Does anyone know of any way to get figwheel to give more info regarding these syntax errors? I have no idea whatsoever where this cast is happening...