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I think the default is your last focused tab. This is mentioned in the docs somewhere, possibly with how to change it.
Hi everyone ! I’m trying to get a figwheel-main dev setup to work without success. I’m stuck with some lost web socket connections. I have two different clojure servers, one is the client that serves a hybrid app that has server side rendered stuff ( 8080 ) and some reagent, the other one is just a proxy ( 3001 ). All connections are made trough the proxy ( browser is looking at <localhost://3001|localhost:3001> ). How can I configure figwheel to watch the files from the client for local changes, but get the proxy to trigger the hot-reload ?
@othman.azil I have a similar setup
@othman.azil I'm using this config:
^{:watch-dirs ["src-cljc" "src-cljs" "src-cljs-dev"]
:css-dirs ["frontend/public/css"]
:auto-testing false
:connect-url "ws://[[client-hostname]]:9500/figwheel-connect"
:open-url false}
This means that figwheel will connect to its own server on port 9500, but this is from javascript served from my own server
E.g. I'm requesting which will serve all HTML, JS and CSS. And then figwheel will connect to to do its websocket thing for reloading
Note that [[client-hostname]]
is literally that, don't substitute it manually, figwheel will figure the IP or hostname out via javascript
Any idea about why this could happen? There was an issue about this a long time ago but I'm using much newer versions of the dependencies
[Figwheel] Compiling build dev to "resources/public/cljs-out/dev-main.js"
Options passed to ClojureScript compiler: {:output-dir "resources/public/cljs-out", :closure-warnings {:check-types :off, :check-variables :off}, :closure-defines {"figwheel.repl.connect_url" "", "figwheel.repl.client_log_level" "warning"}, :ups-libs nil, :cache-analysis true, :closure-module-roots [], :optimizations :none, :ups-foreign-libs [{:file "cljsjs/react-dom/development/", :file-min "cljsjs/react-dom/production/", :provides ["react-dom" "cljsjs.react.dom"], :requires ["react"], :global-exports {react-dom ReactDOM}} {:file "cljsjs/react-dom/development/", :file-min "cljsjs/react-dom/production/", :provides ["react-dom/server" "cljsjs.react.dom.server"], :requires ["react-dom"], :global-exports #:react-dom{server ReactDOMServer}} {:file "cljsjs/react-dom/development/", :file-min "cljsjs/react-dom/production/", :provides ["react-dom/test-utils" "cljsjs.react.dom.test-utils"], :requires ["react-dom"], :global-exports #:react-dom{test-utils ReactTestUtils}} {:file "cljsjs/react/development/", :provides ["react" "cljsjs.react"], :requires [], :file-min "cljsjs/react/production/", :global-exports {react React}}], :parallel-build true, :verbose true, :aot-cache false, :preloads [figwheel.core figwheel.main figwheel.repl.preload devtools.preload figwheel.main.system-exit figwheel.main.css-reload process.env], :ignore-js-module-exts [".css"], :output-to "resources/public/cljs-out/dev-main.js", :preamble ["cljs/imul.js"], :asset-path "/cljs-out", :repl-requires ([figwheel.repl :refer-macros [conns focus]] [figwheel.main :refer-macros [stop-builds start-builds build-once reset clean status]] [cljs.pprint :refer [pprint] :refer-macros [pp]] [cljs.repl :refer-macros [source doc find-doc apropos dir pst]]), :ups-externs ("cljsjs/react-dom/common/react-dom-server.ext.js" "cljsjs/react-dom/common/react-dom.ext.js" "cljsjs/react-dom/common/react-dom-test-utils.ext.js" "cljsjs/react/common/react.ext.js"), :opts-cache "cljsc_opts.edn", :source-map true, :cache-analysis-format :transit, :compiler-stats true, :main weather-app.core, :language-in :es6, :emit-constants nil}
throw err;
Error: Cannot find module '@cljs-oss/module-deps'
Require stack:
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1085:15)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:928:27)
at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1145:19)
at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:75:18)
at [eval]:8:13
at Script.runInThisContext (vm.js:132:18)
at Object.runInThisContext (vm.js:315:38)
at Object.<anonymous> ([eval]-wrapper:10:26)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1256:30)
at evalScript (internal/process/execution.js:98:25) {
it looks like it's exploding when trying to load the react-dom library