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Ethan Miller20:04:22

After a short delay, Rohit's Thadani's Scicloj Workshop "Introduction to the Measures of Statistical Inference" will take place on May 7th. For details and to sign up, please go here:

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Daniel Slutsky15:04:53

Looking forward to it! Last time Rohit gave a workshop was very enlightening.

Daniel Slutsky14:05:20

This workshop on Saturday by Rohit Thadani is an important moment: it is a beginning of a very promising series of workshops organized by @ezmiller77 @elenam @kiraemclean @jsa-aerial, Rohit Thadani and others. Not too late to join and help in shaping the culture of this series.

🙏 1
Ethan Miller15:05:33

This event will be beginning in just a few minutes. Please join if you are interested! (Details in the link).

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💜 1
Daniel Slutsky17:05:40

Fantastic teaching and discussion 🙏

Colin P. Hill17:05:46

I signed up, but unexpectedly had to miss the first session. Was it recorded?

Daniel Slutsky19:05:53

Hi @U029J729MUP yes, it was recorded (but hasn't been shared yet).

👍 2
Daniel Slutsky15:05:27

Hi @U029J729MUP, some more updates are shared by the workshop organizers at the scicloj-workshops Zulip stream:

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